(22) Temporal Reception Feedback Loop and Timeline Alterations

1 year ago

[Chapter 22: Temporal Reception Feedback Loop and Timeline Alterations]

Time-travel in the classical sense is logistically impossible for a normal person to do according to the known laws of our universe, but temporal reception is possible. It is possible to clone a bunch of bodies and use temporal reception to relay memories from the potential future to the present and write them into the brains of cloned bodies. One method involves using nanotechnology to physically rewire the circuitry of the brain by severing connections and providing stints that catalyze the connections of neurons. Another method involves growing a large number of “seed” neurons, which are then used to 3D print a brain with the recorded memories into a cloned body. Thus, it is possible to clone a bunch of bodies and make them have memories from the potential future. However, these cloned bodies will all have unique souls. Therefore they will be like twins with different memories artificially planted. It is impossible to transfer your soul from the future into one of these other cloned bodies in the present. Anyone who falsely claims they can transfer your soul from one body to another is a liar. What they are actually doing is using demons to parasitically take possession of a body. Demons are the spirits of dead Nephilim, which are hybrid caused by fallen angels creating offspring using human women. These Nephilim incorporated human DNA and animal DNA and were the source of much of human mythology because some of them grew to be enormously tall titans. The flood of Noah wiped out most of the Nephilim and the research the fallen angels used to create them. However the fallen angels are trying to recreate the Nephilim by adducting homeless people, illegal aliens, and aborted babies to use to reverse engineer their lost research. The Nephilim are not fully human, so the Creators laws involving humans do not fully apply to them. Therefore instead of going to heaven or hell after they died, some of the Nephilim spirits are released on “parole” on Earth until the Day of Judgment.

The Creator created this universe from a larger super-universe. The larger super-universe has more dimensions and physical laws that are a lot more chaotic than ours. The larger super-universe has a type of fluid-like aether particles that are similar to a Bose-Einstein condensate. These are the chaotic waters referred to in Genesis. The Creator figured out a way to create a self-replicating computerized factory using the laws of the larger super-universe. These self-replicating computerized factories inserted themselves between the particles in the larger super-universe and pacified or sterilized their chaotic nature. These self-replicating computerized factories are called Midichlorians. The “Midi” refers to how they inserted themselves in the middle or between the particles in the super-universe. The “chlorian” refers to how they sterilized or pacified the chaotic nature of the super-universe. The Midichlorians produce a principle known as “quark confinement” where there will never be an isolated quark. The Midi-Chlorians will take the energy used to liberate one quark and use that energy to fabricate more quarks so that the quarks are always in triplets or a binary pair of a quark and a different type of antiquark. The Midichlorians metabolize thermal energy to run their processes, move, and self-replicate; the only way to neutralize the Midichlorians to create a Bose-Einstein condensate is to lower the temperature near absolute zero around -273.15 degrees Celsius. It may also be possible to temporarily destroy the Midichlorians using the thermal energy produced from high speed collisions near the speed of light, which is one of the things they are doing at CERN. However, the effects are temporary because shortly afterwards the surrounding Midichlorians will self-replicate new ones to fill the places of the ones destroyed in the high speed collision. The Midichlorians ensured that the universe would only have four elemental phases of matter, which are “earth” (solids), “water” (liquids), “air” (gasses), and “fire” (plasma). Some of the fallen angels or demons tried to teach the ancient Greeks about the four phases of matter using figurative language. Some of the ancient Greeks knew about the concept of the atom and the idea that if you kept dividing things in half you would eventually come down to the indivisible unit. However others eventually misinterpreted the figurative language of “earth”, “water”, “air”, and “fire” to be literal elements instead of just figuratively standing for the phases of matter.

Our bodies are like avatars that are remotely controlled from a computer­­-like structure that houses our soul and mind. The Midichlorians are used to relay messages back and forth utilizing quantum entanglement. A “spirit” is like a self-sustaining wave of Midichlorians that maintain a connection to a person’s soul and mind. The Creator’s Spirit maintains a connection to the mind of the Creator. A demonic spirit maintains a connection to the mind of a dead Nephilim. The Midichlorians were specifically designed so that they could not be reprogramed without manually removing a “restraining bolt”. “Magic” involves hacking the Midichlorians by removing the “restraining bolt” and then reprogramming them. The hacked Midichlorians are then allowed to self-replicate in a dormant state within a shielded localized bubble that evades the detection of the other Midichlorians. The dormant Midichlorians are then activated to perform their pre-programmed task, which is seen as “Magic”. The “Magic” is only temporary because activating the hacked dormant Midichlorians quickly draws the attention of surrounding Midichlorians, which then act like an immune system neutralizing any irregularities. The Creator has complete control over the Universe via the Midichlorians. You would need to hack and reprogram over 50% of the Midichlorians in the Universe to have any chance of a successful coup against the Creator, which is impossible. The Creator and Victor have complete control over the Universe. Everyone allied with the Creator and Victor literally has the power of the entire universe at their disposal if the Creator and Victor should will it so. However, the Creator and Victor like to use their power sparingly to show their efficiency and humility. It may also be that everybody seems to root for an underdog, so the Creator and Victor have used their power sparingly to give them the illusion of being the underdog as a public relations stunt. The Creator, Victor, and Creator’s Spirit could probably violate the known laws of the universe if they wanted to, but they find satisfaction in obeying their own laws; if they wanted to violate the laws of the universe, they would have chosen different laws for our universe to begin with anyways since they created everything for their good pleasure.

Physics time travel would only be logistically possible for a normal person to do in a virtual reality computer simulation of a sub-universe where a temporal reception feedback loop was used to simulate time travel within the simulated virtual reality sub-universe. Nothing is logistically impossible for the Creator. The only historically documented instances of physical time travel occurring involve the Victor, Elijah, and Moses. Elijah was caught up into a chariot of fire and time traveled to the Mount of Transfiguration. Moses time traveled from Mount Sinai to the Mount of Transfiguration and returned back to Mount Sinai with the 10 Commandments. It seems that time travel events might require a 40 day window of opportunity, which are then attributed to 40 day fasts. Therefore the only other possible time travel event might be the Victor being shown all the kingdoms of the world for all time during a 40 day fast, but this last instance was probably just a temporal reception vision. The Enemy only has access to temporal reception technology (not time-travel technology) and could have only done physical time travel with the Creator’s permission.

Time travel requires a tremendous amount of energy at close proximity to create an extremely large gravitational field. Once the gravitational field reaches critical mass, it tears the fabric of space-time to create a funnel-like wormhole connecting two different locations in space-time. The funnel itself has negative curvature with cross-sections resembling a saddle shape. Shapes resembling a saddle shape (i.e. Saddleback Mountain in Orange County, California) have negative curvature. For example a donut shape torus has positive curvature along the outside and negative curvature along the inside where it touches the donut hole. There may be a whole network of “underground” wormholes like a “sewer system” beneath the “streets” of our universe’s dimensions. A collapsing star is used to gravitationally “dig” deep enough to reach the “sewer system”.

The information received from a temporal reception device is information from the potential future, but the information received from a wormhole is information from the actual future. A wormhole time travel event occurred in the year 1987. We received matter and information from the actual future arriving from the direction of the Large Magellanic Cloud. The wormhole that is created in a time travel even spews out matter and energy. To cover it up, the scientists call the wormhole a “supernova”. We know when light from a “supernova” is about to reach us because we first receive a large increase in the number of neutrinos that reach us before the light does. As the star is collapsing to reach critical mass, the neutrinos are able to escape but not the light because neutrinos do not interact very much with matter. The scientists have now set up neutrino detectors to give them a few hours advanced warning of when the next “supernova” will occur, which is when they suppose the Victor might return.

The last specific “supernova” identified with a time travel event was named Supernova 1987A. The best place to hide is right out in public. Books and movies are created to “hide”, document, and commemorate special clandestine events. Anyone who mentions these clandestine events is then ridiculed or institutionalized as being crazy. The person is said to be a “conspiracy theorist” copying from the book or movie and cannot separate fantasy from reality. Therefore to “hide” and commemorate the time travel event, the book “A Tale of Time City” was published.

If collapsing stars can be used to travel through space-time, you can imagine why these collapsing stars are sometimes called “stargates”. The Creator formed the stars using Midichlorians when the Creator said “let there be light”. The stars are used as beacons to send interstellar messages encoded into the light, and the messages are then received in “real time” using temporal reception devices to relay the messages back in time to mitigate the travel time of the light. Most “stargates” are created using binary star system; the then stars collide, they can create a wormhole to travel through space and sometimes even time. Usually only matter and information are sent backward in time through wormholes because the process usually destroys everything so that only information and disorganized matter can be sent backward in time.

The spirit of a person is like a self-sustaining wave of Midichlorians that use quantum entanglement to communicate with the supernatural soul. The Creator may have assembled Midichlorians at the Mount of Transfiguration into a temporary spirit for Moses, which then relayed information backward in time from the Mount of Transfiguration back to Mount Saini using temporal reception. The Creator might also have used a clone body of Moses and then relayed messages back to Mount Siani via a temporal reception device. The messages received from the temporal reception device were then carved into stone tablets using a laser while nanotechnology was used to graft memories of the vision into Moses’ brain. The soul is supernatural and may be outside of time, but it communicates with a spirit which is bound in time. There might also have been no time travel involved between Mount Siani and the Mount of Transfiguration. It may be that Michael the Archangel disputed with the Enemy to get the body of Moses after he died so that Moses could be resurrected and the resurrected body brought to the Mount of Transfiguration in the future. This dispute between Michael the Archangel and the Enemy was recorded in Jude 1:9.

The way to travel across space is not to have a spacecraft travel away from the sun toward other stars, but rather a more effective way is to travel directly into the sun as it is collapsing. To turn a sun into a “stargate” requires precise tuning of magnetic fields to create a resonance effect, which is one of the things they are researching and practicing at CERN (The European Organization of Nuclear Research) with manipulating Earth’s magnetic field. The Enemy’s plan is to use temporal reception devices to learn when the Victor will arrive. The Enemy will use the neutrino emissions that arrive a few hours ahead to confirm that the Victor’s fleet is indeed arriving. The Enemy will then attempt to cause a magnetic resonance effect in the Sun to collapse it into a “stargate”. The Enemy will attempt to use the “stargate” to escape the Solar System and regroup in another solar system. If the Enemy’s plan were to be successful it would kill everyone on Earth as the Sun explodes. The Enemy’s plan is to have the exploding Sun destroy the Victor’s fleet as it arrives. The timing of this will probably occur sometime near when the asteroid Apophis makes a near-Earth pass. The Enemy might also alter the trajectory of the asteroid Apophis to make it actually collide with Earth and use the chaos from the cataclysm to implement a New World Order that creates order out of the chaos and rises from the ashes of the old order of the world. The Enemy has a classic “hero complex” or “hero syndrome” where he creates problems so that only he can solve them as the “good guy”. If this is the case the asteroid will probably land in the Atlantic Ocean near the United States’ east coast. They tried to “hide”, document, and commemorate this in the television series Stargate SG1 Season 4 Episode 22 involving Apophis’s fleet and the exploding star. From the information we learned from Supernova 1987A, the Enemy’s plan will not be fully successful. The Enemy will not be able to escape this solar system using the sun as a “stargate”. The Enemy will be trapped on Earth. The attempt however will cause a domino effect in the sun that will scorch the Earth with fire so people get burned by the Sun’s increasing heat and global warming. The magnetic disruption in the sun will cause side-effects such as earthquakes, volcanic activity, and climate change on Earth that will cause 100 pound hailstones to fall from the sky.

I come from a very interesting background. Luckily for me our Creator recognizes the fact that we are not responsible for the sins of our ancestors. The saying goes that the parents eat grapes and their children’s teeth are set on edge. The Creator put an end to this saying and made it so that everyone is accountable for their own sins and not accountable for the sins of neither their ancestors nor their progeny. On my father’s side are people involved in Freemasonry and the Italian Mafia several generations back. My father told me once of how his grandmother took him to tag along to Freemasonry event when he was a little child. From what he told me, they do some very freaky satanic rituals. I have just enough Sicilian in me that I could part of the Italian Mafia, but I am not. From what I can gather my family went legit around the generation of my grandmother. Nobody in my family is part of the Italian Mafia to my knowledge, “Capish?” as my dad would say. My Father’s side is Sicilian, Native American (Cherokee Indian), and a little bit unknown. The story goes that one of my ancestors was an orphan and had the last name of Barnet, but he changed it to my current last name to join the Navy. Apparently his foster mom was crazy, so he wanted to join the Navy to get away from her. He wasn’t 18 years old, so he needed her to sign off on it. She would only sign if he changed his last name to that of her boyfriend, which is now my current last name. Apparently my last name might have been “Barnet” if things happened just a little bit different. The “butterfly effect” is weird like that. On my mother’s side are IRS Agents, Special Agents, Air Force Officers, and alleged survivors of Russian Royalty. I say alleged because my mother’s sister lies about everything. She once told me her cousin killed a bear in Alaska with his bare hands. I only found it was a lie/joke after I bragged about it to everyone in my elementary school. She used to take my brother and me to Disneyland for our birthday when we were little. When we had her go on the “teacups” ride we would always pick the one that was spinning the most, but every time it would not spin for us. My Aunt would always say “shucks we must have got another broken one”. Only later did I learn she was purposely wedging the wheel with her knee so it wouldn’t turn. Allegedly, my grandfather’s mother is a descendant of Russian Royalty. My grandfather’s sister also briefly dated that actor that went into the suit for C3PO from “Star Wars”. Apparently, one my grandfather’s best friends married my grandfather’s wife’s sister. My Great Uncle allegedly had something to do with exposing corruption in the Nixon Presidential Administration from what I could gather from his funeral. My grandfather says “rho sham bow” instead of “rock papers scissors” and he swings his hands side to side when he is saying it. My Mother’s sister calls my brother and I the nicknames “munyeca” and “kuubela”, which I have been told means doll in Spanish and Russian since my mother’s side is part Mexican, Russian, German, and Irish. I think I get my green/hazel eyes from the Irish. I cannot tell if this was intended to be a term of endearment or a threat that later in my life someone was going to try to pull some strings in my life.

I am writing this all as “fiction”, but this will have already happened due to a feedback loop involving temporal reception. Basically, people in the past or agents in the spiritual realm received information from the present using temporal reception and then decided to rig the past according to the “fiction” that I am writing in the present as some sort of sadistic joke. Because I know they are doing this I can manipulate the past according to the “fiction” I write in the present similar to the movie the “Butterfly Effect”. For example I can write that I had a conversation with my high school Chemistry teacher about time travel where going backward in time is like all the particles have their velocity vectors switched 180 degrees and that conversation will have happened. I can also write that my high school Chemistry teacher placed a girl seated behind me who I went to prom with and later married that girl. I can write weird “fictional” things like that my high school Chemistry teacher looks like the artificial intelligence character “Janet” in the television series the “The Good Place” and poof it will have already happened. I can write weird thinks like the main character of the “The Good Place” has the same first name as my Father’s mother and poof it will have happened. I am writing this all as fiction, but because of the temporal feedback loop and the sadistic jokers manipulating my life it will have actually already happened. Essentially this planet Earth is like the “North Korea” of the universe. Planet Earth is a sin-infested planet that is the corruption capital of the universe. It pretends to be the “Good Place” when it actually is the “Bad Place”. Like all “Bad Places” the motto they use to brainwash the public is “it could always be worse”, you could be a homeless person starving in some far off “worse” place or country with polluted water and unsanitary conditions. Cue the propaganda of pictures and video clips of all these “worse” countries or places that you have probably never visited to verify whether the propaganda is true, exaggerated, or simply made up; they use the media to distract you from your pitifully short life that is 70 to 80 years if you are “lucky”, which is almost a direct quote from Psalm 90:10 written thousands of years ago. Cue the propaganda about how life expectancy is always increasing but somehow never seems to get any longer.

I sometimes feel like there are a bunch of secret organizations that were all at war and they had their children get married to blend the families together to signify a true or ceasefire. However, it was a false truce or ceasefire and someone assassinated my father using CRISPER technology to give him cancer. It was probably the Freemasons who didn’t like my fictional portrayal of my father saying bad things about the Freemasons and their satanic rituals. They probably have a rule that if anyone exposes their secrets they have to assassinate them as a matter of principle even if they were never a Freemason themselves. You don’t think they use CRISPER technology and retroviruses to give people cancer as a means of assassination? It is effective, untraceable, and they die months after all the evidence is gone. All they need is a plausible excuse for why they got cancer like they ate too many charred burgers or were exposed to too much carcinogens and radiation. If they don’t have a plausible excuse, they use their classic line “it is completely random” or “bad things happen to good people and bad people”. In “Men in Black” the movie by Columbia Pictures (not the Russian Documentary), does the fake head housing the alien prince look like John McCain? Due to the feedback loop involving temporal reception and the sadistic jokers manipulating the events in our timeline it probably does now. The Freemasons would have probably killed me by now if they could. However, the Creator and Victor are protecting me by using Midichlorians to rig the universe in my favor like the character Domino from “Deadpool 2”. People should read their Bibles and take note of some of the amazing things the Holy Spirit claims to be able to do. Jerusalem is apparently the only place that prophets can be killed. I am not claiming to be a prophet. I am simply writing prophetic fiction that contains an element of truth to it like historical fiction does; I don’t think that would characterize me as a false prophet though. It doesn’t matter what I think, feel, or claim to be though because all that matters is what the Creator thinks and claims to be the case.

I feel like these secret organizations that have access to temporal reception technology are using me like a pawn in their sadistic chess game. Somehow I got to the other side of the board, so now through the Victor’s power I get to choose what I will become. From what I can gather, Denver International Airport is like the central hub of Freemasonry in the United States. The Freemasons seem to have connections with Lockheed Martin, which has a headquarters in Washington D. C. probably for “lobbying” purposes. Roy R. Romer and Freemasonry came from Colorado to Southern California. Los Angeles is almost completely under satanic control now; I think they even released a television series called “Lucifer” to boast of this. The Freemasons seem to have connections with Martin Marietta Corporation, which merged with Lockheed Corporation to become Lockheed Martin. The Freemasons seem to have connections with Zimmerman Metals and Fentress Architects.

Apparently certain companies have been fraudulently using government contracts for fiber optic cables for other clandestine purposes. They are either pocketing the money or stealing the fiber optic cables to use for some clandestine project. To make anyone who mentions temporal reception devices seem like a complete lunatic, APEX created a bunch of videos online about fake time travelers. My guess is someone is trying to hook up temporal reception devices to the all the surveillance systems to create a complete control grid for society. To handle that amount of data they need fiber optic cables and 5G network. They are eventually going to progress to a 6G wireless network where they can use frequencies involved in the “Active Denial” “nonlethal” military technology to suppress any opposition from anywhere that the 6G wireless network has access to. They are essentially weaponing wireless technology. Wireless technology was designed as a hook to make the public dependent on it so that when it was finally weaponized people wouldn’t fight against it until it was too late and they were already being hit by “shock collar” like treatments of “Active Denial” frequencies whenever they stepped out of line.

I’ve heard if you want to know the evil plans of the Freemasons/Satanists, you simply need to read the books “Satan Prince of This World” by William Guy Carr and “The Secrets of Freemasonry Unveiled” by The Cardinal of Chile. These books may be telling the truth or they may be false-flag honey-trap meant to deceive and manipulate the public. Satan likes to use secret societies because the lack of transparency allows him to manipulate people to think they are the “good guys” doing shady actions for the “greater good” when in fact they are pawns being used to enslave humanity. The “hidden mysteries” of secret organizations are often kept hidden so that outside people with actual knowledge cannot prove they are completely bogus or flagrantly illegal/immoral. The secret societies then defame, gang-stalk, and destroy the lives of people who provide information disproving their “hidden mysteries”. If you don’t believe conspiracy theories and government cover-ups happen in real life you should ask Serge Monast or President John F. Kennedy. We are surrounded by a ruthless and monolithic conspiracy that utilizes covert means to implement its agenda. In his writings George Washington warned in his letters that he knew of the Illuminati and their possible nefarious intentions. Satan uses a bunch of different factions such as the Freemasons, Illuminati, and Zionists pit people against each other through a “divide and conquer” type of strategy involving false flag acts of political terrorism. Each faction thinks they are the “good guys” and that it is the other factions who are really the evil ones whose actions they get blamed for.

I want to remind everyone that I am writing fiction. However the best fiction attempts to incorporate as much truth as possible to make it realistic. With the sadistic jokers using temporal reception devices to rig the past according to the fiction I write in a feedback loop, it is difficult to discern truth from fiction.

Am I prediction what will happen or am I causing what is happening? Are my predictions a self-fulfilling prophecy or a self-defeating prophecy? Is someone who claims to have a temporal reception device really predicting the future or is it a deception of charlatans utilizing a network of demonic surveillance systems attempting to manipulate me with their blueprint for the future.

If you invent a “time machine” or temporal reception device, temporal terrorists receiving information in the past from the present and potential future will sabotage your life trying to manipulate past, present, and future events to their perverted agenda.

When I worked in telemarketing as an appointment setter, there was an old Man also working there as an appointment setter. He asked me if I was building a time machine. He also asked me if my wife was Asian, which made it seem like he was fishing for information to corroborate a speculative theory he might have. My wife’s father is an architect and has traveled to China and other Asian countries for work and vacation on multiple occasions. Are there Asian countries involved in conducting psychological operations and false flag acts of political terrorism utilizing temporal reception devices to manipulate the future in their favor? The irony was that I was just dabbling with the idea of temporal reception devices at the time as a form entertainment for writing a science fiction. However, it gave me the idea that it might actually be possible to create a temporal reception device since there are prophecies and oracles recorded in the Bible. My first rough brainstorming ideas involved using general relativity to cause time-dilation effects on one stream of particles that was entangled with another stream of particles. This seemed technically possible according to the known laws of physics but logistically impossible since you need to create a large gravitational field comparable to a black hole I later realized that the general relativity part was unnecessary if you used a modified experiment involving “Quantum Erasure with Delayed Measurement”. You could remove and replace a mirror in the future “delayed” part of the experiment that influences the path of the particles to determine whether or not you will have measured which slit the entangled particle will travel through or erased that information in order to encode a binary message in the probability distribution of the entangled particles measured in the earlier part of the experiment. Therefore it seemed logistically possible to send binary messages from the potential future to the past in a manner similar to Morse code. This could then potential create a feedback loop involving self-fulling prophecies or self-defeating prophecies that reach an attractor. The time of the “delay” could be increased using a Bose-Einstein condensate to slow down photons or by using entangled spin of elections instead of using entangle photons. I now realize that I am already trapped in temporal loop where temporal terrorists have already tried to manipulate my past. How far back have they been trying to manipulate my life? Is it since I was born? Is it even before I was born? Is it since the dawn of Biblical History? Are my parents my real parents? Did temporal terrorists kidnap me after I was born? Did temporal terrorists kidnap my real parents and replace them with replants? When I was a child my mother gave me a code word “watermelon” and said not to trust any stranger that didn’t say the code word. There was no instance to my knowledge when the code word “watermelon” had to be used, but it would have already been compromised because of temporal reception if it had to be used.

I do know that as a child I broke my leg jumping off the couch yelling “I’m Superman!”. Did I really break my leg. I remember stories of my “mother” telling me I broke my leg. I have seen the cast, but I also remember stories of my “mother” telling me that I was still able to walk on the “broken” leg. My “mother” also said that I was “spirited” as a child. Even as a baby, I had special abilities like being able to life my head on my own. As a child was I infused with nanotechnology to make me like “Superman”? Was the story of me breaking my leg just a way to cover up the fact that I am “Unbreakable”? Did they clone me from DNA found from the Victor or maybe Hitler?

Did they clone me using DNA from Hitler or perhaps a member of Russian Royalty to use me a political pawn? Did they clone me from DNA found from the Victor’s burial cloth or other ancient artifact? Did they clone me using a “spirited” Y Chromosome or try to unlock dormant genes using CRISPER technology? Did they clone me using special DNA as a password attempting to use me as a key to unlock the secrets of the Midichlorians? Am I a descendant of the Victor’s siblings? Is the story of my orphan ancestor just a way to cover up my ancestry? Sometimes people of Jewish ancestry would claim they are German, so I am really part German or am I part Jewish? The movie “Jupiter Ascending” seems to indicate that there is a clandestine plan to clone special people to fake their “reincarnation”. I hate dogs. I have always hated dogs, but I have always been surrounded by them.

From what I can gather, I believe in an obsolete potential future, I developed a temporal reception device and perhaps a technique for navigating wormholes when I was in the United State Air Force. This made me a target for everyone in their secret societies who already had access to information received via temporal reception from angelic artifacts and newly reverse-engineered temporal reception prototype devices. Most of the angelic artifacts can receive information from the potential future only one day into the future. The made a television series called “Early Edition” to document/cover this up. The news program by Alex Jones called “Infowars” also liked to call itself “Tomorrow’s News Today” until youtube tried to censor it and it was inundated with frivolous lawsuits attempting to shut it down. However, they often relay important information from day to day to day in a systematic manner in such a way that they can get unreliable information years into the potential future. There was also a movie called “About Time”, which indicates they can receive information further back in time than a day but they only look a day into the future to keep their sanity. The inventor or potential inventor of a temporal reception device (or the whistleblower who reveals the secret of temporal reception to the public) was probably important enough for them to relay from years in the potential future. Different factions have tried to manipulate me since I was born.

In the alternate potential future I was probably married to someone who had an obsession with mermaids or wore a fake mermaid tail, liked unicorns or identified themselves with unicorns, rode a horse or owned a horse, wore fake angel wings or created fake angel wings, and previously dated a dentist or someone studying to be a dentist or was a dental assistant or had a special bartering relationship with a dentist for dental services. Since I am allegedly a descendant of Russian Royalty my wife would have probably also watched the 1990 fantasy movie “The fool of the World and the Flying Ship”. This sounds like a riddle or enigma so someone acquainted with my wife in the alternate potential future probably had prototype replica or mock version of an enigma machine used during World War II. Due to the temporal feedback loop and the sadistic jokers manipulating the timeline, this “fictional” story is not too far from reality.

What seems to be the case is that there are people who monitor the timeline to check for any abnormalities or anomalies. They encode a “history” for the documented timeline of the potential future in a secret clandestine code within books, comic books, magazines, newspapers, news broadcasts, and movies. If the future turns out to be different than the documented timeline, they know someone has used temporal reception to alter the timeline. They might even take measures to try to “rectify” the timeline and put it back on track as much as possible. It appears that someone has altered the timeline and set me up as the “scapegoat” anomaly. The temporal police then targeted me instead of the people who actually changed the timeline. I myself do not claim to have ever used temporal reception. If I have any knowledge of the future it is only from the “Holy Spirit” and not from a temporal reception device. Once I realized that I had been turned into the “scapegoat” anomaly, I needed help from people who do have temporal reception devices to relay me information. I have been seeding social media with “links” to websites and online videos so that people with temporal reception devices can insert information and evidence into those links in the past. I have also been watching online video to receive information from people who may have had access to temporal reception device technology.

It appears Planned Parenthood is providing tissue and organs of aborted babies to Nazi-style scientists who use them for animal/human hybrid experiments such as “humanized mice”. The Nazi-style scientists claim they are using the tissue and organs of dead babies to do research to cure HIV for the “greater good”. The whole abortion industry may be a way to eliminate future world leaders or commit genocide against entire groups of people before they are born. The abortion industry is a front in the temporal war for manipulating the timeline through psychological operations and acts of political terrorism. There is the grandfather paradox of what would happen if you killed your grandfather before your father was born. There is the abortion paradox of what would happen if someone in the past learned about your potential accomplishments using a temporal reception device and tried to have you aborted or destroy your life if you somehow survive.

From what I can gather the different temporal factions include but are not limited to the Freemasons, Skull and Bones, Illuminati, Sons of Anarchy, Fourth Reich Nazis (Regrouped in Argentina and infiltrated the United States via “Operation Paperclip”), Knights Templar, Knights of Columbus, Sons of Liberty, and the Sons of Seth. From what I can gether, the temporal terrorists tried to use a doppleganger or something worse (like a clone) to frame me for the lockdown at Huntington Beach High School on October 6, 2015. The Huntington Beach Police lied to my family and told them they had “video footage”, but since then the Huntington Beach Police have recanted and denied they claimed to have “video footage” of me. This makes me believe that there is a major cover-up involving one of the secret societies or perhaps the Boeing Aircraft Company facility in Huntington Beach, which may be a front for something else. I do know that there is a lot of satanic activity in Huntington Beach. One of the teachers in a teacher meeting at Huntington Beach High School “jokingly” said that she needed to remove all her satanic artifacts before the parents visited her classroom for back to school night. Huntington Beach High School also seem to have a blackmail ring known as “green spoon” built into the “culture” of the faculty and staff where the teachers would try to dig dirt on other teachers and report back to them. There is some kind of “cover up” going on involving them trying to frame me for the lockdown at Huntington Beach High School October 6, 2015 while I was teaching at Northview High School in Covina. I am writing this as “fiction” but because of the temporal reception feedback loop and the sadistic jokers manipulating the timeline, this will have already occurred by now. They may have been trying to drug me with PCP, put a gun in my hand, and then frame me for the lockdown. They may have been trying to frame me using a doppleganger (or clone) and then sent people to my family’s home to eliminate me and have a replicant take my place. The replicant may be a clone with a 3D printed brain with memories from an alternate timeline. I might actually be the replicant and not even know it like in the movie “The 6th Day” or the Dwarf Star Conspiracy from the television series “Dark Matter”. I do know that when I went to college in San Luis Obispo to get my bachelor’s degree in Physics and minor in Mathematics people in the Palomar Dorm my 2nd year said there was a doppleganger who looked just like me. I never met him. I didn’t think twice about it until the Lockdown at Huntington Beach High School occurred on October 6, 2015. My senior project at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo involved solving coupled non-linear differential equations involving pattern formation of liquid crystal light-valves with an optical feedback loop. For all I know this was a pretext, and I was actually given them the solutions to predict the outcome of a temporal reception feedback loop and didn’t know it at the time. I took a “game theory” class at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. They gave me a weird question about what I would do if I was contending with an opponent who claimed they knew the future. From what I can gather, most of the people using the angelic artifacts and reversed-engineered prototype temporal reception devices do not know for sure what is going to happen; they have relayed the information so many times from day to day that it keeps changing. It also appears they purposely send themselves cryptic messages to minimize the butterfly effect side effects. It might also be that they use cryptic messages attempting to avoid situations that will not reach an attractor such as two opponents with temporal reception devices playing rock paper scissors. The data seems to toggle between two or three attractors for what will happen during the next World War. It is not a matter of if there is a next World War, it is just a matter of when the seal is broken and the red horse rides.

The government has put off publically disclosing temporal reception devices to the public because it causes a lot of logistical issues. Public patents are practically all invalid because all the corporations with temporal reception are simply stealing ideas from their potential competitors in the potential future. Everyone wants to believe that they are so “smart” and “genius” to invent and develop “new” technology. Most of the technology is just reverse engineered from angelic artifacts. We have been using 1950s technology for the past 70 years. They only technology they allow the public is computers and phones where the government has a backdoor to steal all the public’s private information. After World War II governments started hiding their new technology from the public because the technology would probably be instrumental in winning the next World War and they didn’t want their potential adversaries to know all of it. They have simply optimized the 1950s technology but not created anything new like static electricity technology where charged objects are completely enclosed in insulators to trap isolated charges. Ideally you would have a spherical shell of positive charge that could be housed inside a spherical shell of negative charge so that they could be stored in a neutral charge state. Static electricity technology involving isolated charges could be used to push and pull on things using non-local forces that would look like a “magic trick”. These isolated charges can also be rotated to generate magnetic fields.

The real question is whether anyone is actually creating anything new? Am I just regurgitating what the Creator has already created in the fundamental conditions of the Universe? Did I choose to create something new or did I just choose between a set of options the Creator had already pre-created? The real question is whether I am actually inventing anything. Am I just regurgitating things that I encounter in my future subconsciously through temporal reception without realizing it? Did I invent something new or did I see the invention in my future and then simply copy it in the present? The weird thing about temporal reception is that ideas in the present can be “seeded” by a single “cause” in the potential future that causes multiple redundancies or echoes of that idea in the present. The person who “seeded” that idea in the future might not even get credit for it while that idea is attributed to one of the echoes in the present. The person who “seeded” that idea in the future might even be accused of copying the idea or modifying the idea from one of the echoes in the present. Imagine fallen angels or artificial intelligence that are not able to create anything new or “seed” any new ideas by themselves. Rather the fallen angels and artificial intelligence simply repurpose ideas they stole through temporal reception that originated from human beings or the Creator Himself. The Creator purposely put the fallen angels and human beings together so that the fallen angels could steal the ideas the human beings created and use them to try to deceive the human beings. The human beings could learn from fighting the fallen angels how to combat the deceptive device the fallen angels utilize to steal and deceive. Essentially the fallen angels are parasites and mirrors that simply reflect the fallen nature of human beings back on themselves so the human beings could learn to fight and conquer their own fallen nature via the Victor. Human beings were created in the image and likeness of the Creator in that they are actually able to develop new ideas and create new things themselves. Fallen angels are not able to create anything new themselves, but they are parasites that steal and repurpose ideas created by the Creator or human beings. The Enemy thought that he had created something “new” when he figured out how to lie, steal, kill, and destroy. It is ironic that the Enemy simply stole those ideas using temporal reception from his own future from the human beings that he himself tempted with the forbidden fruit. Wry humor. The enemy did not create the evil that would destroy himself, he simply chose it or selected it as one of his options for his potential future. The Enemy hates human beings because the Enemy chose to tempt human beings to create the evil that would destroy himself. The Enemy knows that he has no jurisdiction over the Earth. The Creator gave dominion of the Earth and all it contains to human beings, not the Enemy nor any angelic messengers nor any Nephilim nor any demonic spirits. The Enemy therefore needs to trick human beings to act as the proxy in order to obtain temporary dominion of the Earth. If every human being rejected the Enemy and his lies/false promises, the Enemy would not have any dominion over the earth. The irony is that all the human beings foolish enough to take the “Mark of the Beast” and act as the Enemy’s proxies will only be condemning themselves to an eternity of torment. The Enemy will trick foolish human beings to act as his proxies by offering them promises of rewards but he can only offer temporary bribes at the cost of eternal damnation. Learn a lesson from Esau. Don’t trade your eternal inheritance for an earthly temporal bowl of soup.

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