(21) Temporal Feedback Loop Background

1 year ago

[Chapter 21: Temporal Feedback Loop Background]

What I am about to tell you I cannot confirm whether it is accurate or not. No one will actually tell me what is going on. I simply have been trying to figure things out and glean information from how it appears the temporal terrorists behave around me and from promptings from the Spirit of the Creator. I am trapped in a temporal feedback loop. The information I write in the present is based on what I have experienced in the past. However, the temporal terrorists in the past have retrieved information from what I am writing in the present and have already used it in the past to try to manipulate the present and future.

The temporal terrorists receive information from the potential future. The temporal terrorists therefore have an idea of what the different possible future timelines can be. The temporal terrorists try to manipulate seemingly insignificant things to try to force the future onto a specific timeline. For example If they know in a specifically potential future they dislike that I am seen wearing a red Donald J. Trump tie, they will try to destroy that tie by having a dog eat it or some other means that they cannot be prosecuted for. Therefore, they do illegal/immoral acts to try to diminish the probability of potential future timelines they dislike from being actualized. The temporal terrorists are very cunning and manipulative according to Machiavellian principles. They always have seemingly innocent pretext for why they are doing the illegal/immoral activity they are doing. The temporal terrorist do subtle things because they cannot change things too much otherwise the butterfly effect will cause the future to deviate from specific potential future timeline they are shooting for. Most of the psychological operations the temporal terrorists carry out seem like a mentalist trick. They try to seed ideas in people through music, television, overheard conversations. They do a type of gangstalking where they surround their targeted victim and try to implant an idea inception style. For example, if they know in a specific potential future timeline they want to happen that I post a comment about “putting 2 and 2 together”, they will seed the number “4” all around me by having 4 fingers subtly up in pictures or wearing a jersey that has the number “4” on it. The temporal terrorists sometimes do more sophisticated psychological operations where over time they will classically condition their targeted victim via this gangstalking method by implanting triggers. Then latter on when the crucial window of opportunity arises, they will do something that initiates these triggers to try to prompt the targeted victor to respond in the way they want to manipulate the future to switch to a specific potential future timeline.

The targeted victims seem to act in an erratic manner that is contrary to how normal people would act because they are being herded toward a specific course of action by these triggers that are classically conditioned by the gangstalking temporal terrorists. The temporal terrorists are like Australian shepherd dogs trying to herd their targeted victims like sheep or children…I just received a text message from a temporal terrorist right now. Apparently they do not like what I am about to write so they are calling me to work right now to stop me from writing any more. This is one way they try to manipulate they future. They destroy your employment and then make it so you are dependent on them. Then they always have you “on call” so they can manipulate you to do whatever they want.

When the temporal terrorists go on an extended mission for their psychological operations, they use tanning salons to make it look like they got a tan from being on “vacation”. A list of all the tanning salon customers is a good place to start when trying to track down all of the agents of the temporal terrorist. From what I can gather, I am the “capstone” of the temporal terrorists plan. They have been trying to manipulate their enemies to set me up and manipulate me to defend myself against their enemies, so that we will destroy each other; the temporal terrorists plan on taking over after they manipulated everyone standing in their way to destroy each other via a “divide and conquer” strategy. Their plans seem to be very similar to the plans of the villains in the 007 James bond movie “Tomorrow Never Dies”. They control the media and can put a story in the news before it happens or even as it happens. They also use stealth technology to implement false-flag acts of political terrorism trying to trick their enemies into thinking they have attached each other so that they will destroy each other.

There are at least two factions of temporal terrorists trying to manipulate my life. One set of temporal terrorists has infiltrated the family I was raised by so that they can manipulate me. Another set of temporal terrorists has infiltrate the family I married into and their friends so that they can manipulate me. A third set of temporal terrorist infiltrated the teachers and staff I had in high school, middle school, elementary school, and both universities I went to for my Bachelor degree in Physics and Master’s degree in Education. A fourth set of temporal terrorists has been sabotaging my employment and luring me into “hone trap” employment jobs where they can manipulate me. The third and fourth set might actually be a combination of the first two sets of temporal terrorists. Each set of temporal terrorists has a different objective that they are trying to manipulate me to accomplish. They use vanity license plates, license plate frames, bumper stickers, custom design tee shirts, and other psychological operation media to try to manipulate me by classically conditioning triggers into me. The triggers are similar to the “Used Map Settings” triggers in the map editor for the computer game “StarCraft” by Blizzard Entertainment. If all the conditions are met in the trigger then they hope the desired action or response will happen. However, I still have free will and the ability to choose to resist their manipulation. I am not at the complete mercy of their triggers like in the movie Zoolander with the song “relax” used as a trigger. However, their classically conditioned triggers do increase the likelihood of choosing their desired response as one of my available options. The triggers they try to condition me with are like advertising for a political candidate. Money used to advertise for a political candidate does not force a person to vote for that candidate but it does increases the likelihood that more people will vote for that candidate.

The temporal terrorists have vandalized my property trying to destroy evidence. They used a device that acted as hybrid between a “sting ray” and “electromagnetic pulse” to destroy my old cell phone May 11, 2018. They then send someone who claimed to be an FBI agent to where I work the day afterward May 12, 2018 to threaten and intimidate me. They used triggers on my wife to manipulate her to tear up my Bibles, original court documents, and destroy my computer. I am now writing this on my old computer. They originally gave this old computer a computer virus while I was teaching to prompt me to get the new computer. I was able to get a different brand antivirus program to clean this computer up. The temporal terrorists seem to control certain brands of antivirus programs found at Best Buy so that they can use it as a backdoor to access their computer files. The temporal terrorist vandalized my car tires, so that I would get them replaced with car tires that have RFID chips they can use to track my movements in my car. They seem to have me under 24 hour surveillance and they track all of my movements via RFID chips, my cell phone internet, and other bugging equipment. The temporal terrorists also track my credit card purchases to track my movements and behavior. I have been using withdrawing “emergency money” cash from my checking account to use that cash at certain strategic times in order to confuse them.

The Spirit of the Creator has also been guiding me. When I was a child around the 5th grade I made the choice to submit the Creator’s will and purpose for my life. The first set of temporal terrorists seemed to have been tasked with reforming me as a child to get me to that point. However, after I choose to submit to the Creator’s will and purpose for my life, the Spirit of the Creator has taken control and has been guiding me since then. The second set of temporal terrorists seems to be tasked in vain with the futile attempt of trying to separate me from the Creator’s will and purpose for my life. It seems that in an obsolete potential future timeline, I was originally going to accomplish something in an evil way that had adverse side-effects. The Spirit of the Creator seems to have been guiding me to recreate a parallel path that accomplishes that same goal in a righteous way without all the side-effects. The second set of temporal terrorists seems to be trying to sabotage me so that those side-effects will reappear. In the original timeline it appears that I created an artificial intelligence computer program that got out of control like a computer virus that took control of the entire internet. The artificial intelligence computer could discern between things people could and couldn’t verify in the real world. The artificial intelligence computer then made only very subtle changes to things people couldn’t verify in the real world to manipulate them to achieve some goal. The Spirit of the Creator seems to have been guiding me to recreate what the artificially intelligence computer created without there actually being the artificial intelligence program to defend itself once it was exposed. The Creator has also been manipulating my enemies to make all the lies I told in the original timeline actually turn out to be true so that I never committed perjury and never lied except when forced to under duress. Essentially it is the “trolley experiment” where I was going to be sent to Hell for perjury and lies claiming that certain people did a bunch of evil things in the original timeline, but instead the Creator has manipulated all of my enemies to make everything I said turn out true so that I will go to heaven and they will go to hell for all of their evil actions that they actually did do in this timeline. It reminds me of King Saul’s death (1 Samuel 31) and the messenger’s false testimony (2 Samuel 1). The messenger thought that David would be pleased with his report that King Saul was dead but David had the messenger killed because the messenger had testified against himself claiming to have killed King Saul.

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