Russell Brand – Edward Dowd – Excess Deaths – This will be talked about for the next 100 Years

1 year ago

Ed Dowd: "The damage that's been done, in my humble opinion, it's unmitigated in the history of the world,"
"This has been the biggest gaslighting operation I've ever seen. As an investor, I call this the greatest asymmetric investment opportunity of a lifetime."

In 2020 most old folks died. In 2021 -- 2022 there was a shift to much younger people. 60,000 millennials died. That is a Vietnam War.

As covid deaths declined, other deaths increased after the vax rollout.

Cardiovascular Disease and Cancers are skyrocketing.

People now are saying NO to the new covid shots and boosters.

These jabs are NOT safe.

Source: Clipped from Russell Brand --

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