II Peter Lesson-01: Called to Abundant Living - Part I

11 months ago

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This Week's Lesson

Today we are in Lesson-01 in the series “Grow in Grace, Grow in Knowledge” from the book of II Peter.
This is Volume II of our series: “Strangers and Pilgrims” a study of I and II Peter.
The lesson is titled “Called to Abundant Living – Part I” and our focus passage is II Peter 1:1-4.
Please find your way in your Bible to that passage.

In our previous episode, we covered our introductory lesson for the study of II Peter.
The Apostle Peter wrote two general epistles that we know as I & II Peter. The audience for this second letter is the same as in I Peter.
These were Christians who, like Israel of old, were scattered throughout the world, though the readers of this epistle were predominantly of Gentile rather than Jewish background.
The Apostle Peter wrote to a group of people under heavy persecution and suffering. This opposition came from the outside (unbelievers and the Roman government).
This second letter is a reminder (1:12, 3:1) of the truth of Christianity as opposed to the heresies of false teachers. This opposition was coming from the inside.

As I mentioned a moment ago, today we will  focus on chapter 1 of II Peter.
In this section of the letter, Peter is going to remind his audience again of their great redemption in Christ and remind them also of the strong foundation of their faith and the truth of God’s Word.
In between those affirmations, he is going to encourage them to not stand pat, to not grow stagnant.

No, they need to continue to grow in grace and knowledge.

Let’s get started

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