Exodus CH. 20. Moses receives the 10 Commandments. Part 2.

1 year ago

Truth In Scripture Pastor Rick Kabrick Sunday, November 5, 2023 Exodus CH. 20. Moses receives the 10 Commandments. Part 2.
Pastor Rick Kabrick PO BOX 595 Tiverton RI 02878www.paypal.me/PastorRickkwww.truthinscripture.org
Pastor Rick KabrickPO BOX 595 Tiverton RI 02878www.paypal.me/PastorRickkwww.truthinscripture.org(2) FacebookAll Videos (rumble.com)pastorrickk (bitchute.com)
GOD begins the commandments by identifying HIMself as the GOD Who delivered them. A reminder that GOD’s deliverance of the people comes first, and their obedience follows as a response to GOD saving them. Because of this, it’s especially fitting that the people be loyal only to the One True GOD, Yehovah, the LORD YHVH.
This was a reminder to the Israelites, but it is by extension and application to us. Yeshua is the One who brought them out, and HE brought all of us out of the slavery of sin by going to the Cross. So, they were redeemed, we also are redeemed. So, the LORD reminds and states Who HE is and therefore…

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