Announcement- Stay Tuned… We’ll Be Right Back.

1 year ago

You may have noticed we haven’t posted any videos for the last few weeks. We have reached the end of our current lease and are moving to a new location. We are also integrating some new equipment and software to bring you outstanding quality information.

Our goal is to always provide timely content that impacts your life as a believer in Jesus and to equip you to become an effective disciple. With everything happening in the world today, Christins no longer can afford to sit on the sidelines and allow the spirit of this present age (darkness) overtake the church.

We believe it is time for real men of God with conviction and integrity to stand up and do their part by facing this evil head on and claiming territory for the kingdom of God. The passive agreeable Ahab spirit must be exposed and rooted out of the church, and the Elijah’s must wield the Word of God to sift the wheat from the tares so that the real fathers can lead the church and their families.

Please visit our website at to help support this channel and our mission to save America. Together we can make a difference.

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