Western MSM v. MENA Media

1 year ago

Battle Coverage: Western MSM v. MENA Media

Battle Outcome:

3. A binational state?
2. A Two state solution with an eventual confederation w/Jordan?
1. Gaza is depopulated, and Israel builds the BenGorian Canal?

1. Times of Israel -https://www.timesofisrael.com/blinken-blasts-settler-violence-tells-abbas-gazans-must-not-be-forcibly-displaced/

2. AP - https://apnews.com/article/abbas-blinken-palestinians-israel-hamas-gaza-1139f6e433fa489fbf3bc4c41bc2d52d

3. Foreign Policy - 5/23/2022 An Israeli-Palestinian Confederation Is the Best Path to Peace

4. Business Insider - 7/31/2023
The US had a plan in the 1960s to blast an alternative Suez Canal through Israel using 520 nuclear bombs.

5. The Japan Times - 11/2/2023
U.S. and Israel weigh peacekeepers for Gaza after Hamas

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