American Intelligence, National Security Threat, China Perspective (SEE MY COMMENTS) David Baumblatt Ep. 31

1 year ago

American Intelligence, National Security Threat, China Perspective. David Baumblatt Ep. 31
(((My Message To David Baumblatt:
I am afraid you are missing the big picture. Britain Created American Intelligence, and they still run it. The UK is not our Greatest Ally, but our Greatest Enemy. Why?
Who the hell do you think the Globalists are? It is all being run from the City London. The Anglo-American Establishment HELLO?
Who the hell do you think controls the Council on Foreign Relations? The World Economic Forum? The United Nations? Who Controls the International Banksters and the Mega Corporations?
And Israel is Part of the 5 Eyes as well. Netanyahu himself proclaimed that Israel is the number 2 position of the 5 Eyes.
And what about Israel's Infiltration of the US Government. They Steal our Military and Industrial Secrets and give them to Russia and China. The hand pick our Politicians according to who is willing to Sell Out to the Globalist Zionist Agenda the most.
Seriously, how could you have been in the FBI/Intelligence without knowing who is really calling the shots over our Politicians?
The Zionists practically Run the US Government as partners of the British Led Globalist Cabal.
Without having that foundation as an understanding, everything else you are talking about loses all meaning in the Big Picture.
Your lack of honesty or understanding about who really controls the Globalist New World Order and the Deep State leaves me with next to zero confidence in your legitimacy.
There can be No Freedom without Removing the British Led Globalist Cabal, The International Bankers, The Mega Corporations and the Cabal NGO - Think Tanks from Power over America and World Government's...
They not only run the US Government, but every World Government...
Without addressing that 800 Pound Gorilla, all conversation is just meaningless talk that will lead you in circles while our True Enemies continue to tighten the rope around our neck.
If you cannot acknowledge that, I have little confidence in the level of your understanding of International and National Intelligence.
To bypass the true source of our systematic Global Enslavement makes one part of the problem by perpetuating half truths that lead to nowhere.
Step up to the FULL TRUTH, or I have little use for you.)))
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September 2023
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