Prophetic Word: God is Getting Ready to DO IT! (He said, hang in there…)

1 year ago

Hello Brothers, Hello Sisters in Christ!
Today's impromptu video is one of urgent comfort and encouragement directly from the Holy Spirit. I had no plans to speak to you today, but as I was about to drive home, the Spirit prompted me to reach out and prepare you for an important prophetic word that I will be sharing soon.
I've been facing intense spiritual warfare recently, something I recognize as part of the territory with the calling God has placed on my life. But it's through these challenges that I've received a significant revelation. The enemy seeks to exhaust us, but the message from the Lord is clear: hang in there, for the tide is about to turn!

You will always need to test the Spirit with every word that I deliver on God's behalf!
*Test the Spirit video: Always Test The Spirit! (Easy Tutorial) ☝🏾 We Only Prophecy in Part!

🎬 Video referenced in today prophetic word:

In my quest for peace and strength, God directed me to Galatians 6:9, a scripture I've spoken about before, but this time it held a different, more profound meaning. Weariness, as I've learned, isn't just about feeling tired or unappreciated—it's about losing heart. Yet, God is asking us to persist in doing good, especially in the toughest situations, without immediate reward or recognition. This is the true test of our faith and commitment.
The key takeaway from this scripture is perseverance; it's about serving not for human appreciation but as a labor of love unto the Lord Himself. And the promise is just as clear—if we do not give up, in due season we shall reap a harvest.
So, I invite you to delve into Galatians 6:9 with me, to fully grasp the depth of God's assurance and to saturate your spirit with His truth. Together, we'll explore the heart of perseverance and why it's crucial not to grow weary in well-doing.

📚 The Holy Scripture (King James Version) that was referenced in the video:
📖 Galatians 6:9
And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.

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