Corrupt Democrats caught on camera ILLEGALLY stuffing Ballot Boxes with fake Absentee Ballots!

1 year ago

MORE BRAZEN CRIMINALITY FROM A DEMOCRAT OFFICIAL! The following Footage shows Wanda Geter-Pataky, vice chair of the Bridgeport Democratic Town Committee and operations specialist for the city, and Eneida Martinez, a former City Council member stuffing ballot dropboxes. I DO HOME THEY ARE BEING PROSECUTED AND BEING MADE AN EXAMPLE TO DETER OTHERS! I think it's time we resurrect the old Colonialist practice of TARRING AND FEATHERING this miscreants! Prison is insufficient punishment for this! Look what the Stolen Election in 2020 has wrought: a senile, tottering puppet POTUS taking orders from China, war in Ukraine, the country overrun with illegals and nobody knows how many sleeper-terrorists, the senseless rout from Afghanistan, runaway inflation, etc...

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