THE WAR SONG (What About Love)

1 year ago

THE WAR SONG (What About Love)
Written & Performed by John Edward LaFave
(C) 2023 Howling Blue Music/ASCAP.

What's yours is yours. What's mine is mine
We've each closed our eyes and time has gone by
We've given up love. We've all gone astray
We've ended with sides, each gone his own way

And then come the fights that end up as wars
Where nothing makes sense anymore

With walls built so high the hatred runs deep
Left cringing in tears on a night without sleep
Yet, neither will know the other sides fear
While perched on the brink of apocalypse years

And when will it end. How far will it go?
The raised voice of the prophets and poets will grow

And what about love? What's left of the dream?
A lingering thought from a lost memory
But a crack in the wall leaves our children to play
If quiet we'll hear the words that they say

What's mine is yours. What's yours is mine
From the mouths of these babes, love is defined.

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