Dr. Robert O Young Presents the Key Note Speech at the Fall Awakening 2020

1 year ago

Dr. Robert O Young shares his research on the genesis of all sickness and disease. He suggests that the cure for cancer and other degenerative disease is found in prevention and not in conventional medical treatment. He also shares his foundational hypothesis suggesting that the body is in perfect health (pH) when you manage and maintain the alkaline design of the interstitial fluids of the Intersititum. The Interstitium is the largest organ of the humN body and contains the interstitial fluids that surround every cell in the human body. This is important to understand through testing of the biochemistry of these fluids because the body cells that make up the organs, glands and tissues of the body are only as healthy as the interstitial fluids that they are bathed in.\n\nLearn more how you can prevent and reverse sickness or disease by following an alkaline lifestyle.\n\nTo learn more about Dr. Robert O Young and his research go to: www.drrobertyoung.com

est selling book “The PH Miracle: Balance Your Diet, Reclaim Your Health by Robert O. Young” He encourages everyone to download it for free. It can be found at libgen.is If they change domains, google “Library Genesis.” There is the original pressing (published by Warner Books released in 2002). The revised copy (Published by “Piatkus Books” released in 2009, 420 pages) doesn’t say it is revised on the cover for some reason. Search “Robert O. Young” on libgen, it should be towards the bottom.

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