Sunglasses After Dark #59

1 year ago

Blackpill Phil, Whitepill Watkins & El Chapo with special guest Stephen Stathis with BGcast discuss current topics including Covid opening eyes to what's really going on, internal warfare at all time high, Hamas/Israel war dividing the US on purpose, dopamine levels in an ADHD brain, pineal gland, chemicals in food & water, free will isn't free or by your will, prescribed meth, soul farming, diving into the Forbidden Knowledge, 2012 download leading to a crescendo leading to today, occult symbolism is part of the harvesting, collective unconsciousness controlled by the predator class, Saturnian Death Cult, MI frequency is 528hz as opposed to the natural Earth frequency of 432hz, Elon AI, find out how many cell towers are near you (, first known structure resonates at 550hz but it's unknown which Saturnian group built it, adrenochrome worship in music, Doja Cat/Lil Nas, Tavistock and the Paul McCarney hoax, 107 delivering intel on the James Bond movie On Her Majesty's Secret Service being of robot actors, planetary history, NASA lies makes it hard to believe they know what the outer planets are made up of, Osiris, Robert Anton Wilson books, highway patrol in a snow bound area, frequencies of the Pyramids, cannibalism throughout the years, IDF videos, Rose McGowen the CIA Hollywood infiltrator, JFKjr admits to being on the Epstein's list, Leonardo DiCaprio's butthole plus much more!

Thanks to guest host Stephen Stathis of BGcast for joining the first hour of the show!
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Disclaimer: Opinions voiced in this video are our own and a lot of the time, they are just feelings or intuitions without research or validation. Watch with your own critical thinking and for entertainment purposes!
Live Air Date: 11-04-23

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