2023-11-05 The Law Brings Wrath

11 months ago

I want to clarify from the start the Mosaic law is Holy Righteous and good and want to make clear that we are not anti the law or what they call Antinomianism which means: (Ancient Greek: ἀντί [anti] "against" and νόμος [nomos] "law") or against God’s Law. We are not against the law; we are for the law and reason for the law. But we are not under the law and it has no place in the life of a believer we have a greater respect for the law. The law was given to strip us of all self-righteousness self-effort before God, it was not given to make us righteous or save us, it is a school master to lead us to Christ. Once we come to Christ we don’t keep going back to point to the one we are now married to!

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