AI Liberty Prime Dies! Press F to pay Respect! AI BOTS ROAST COMMUNISM

1 year ago

This is an older story from 2017 but I think we should revisit it.

When you try to create an artificial intelligence, and you create this mind that has no bias, no human weaknesses, it’s just a mind, nothing more, nothing less, and then this independent entity, or voice, analyzes, whether or not communism is good, and then condemned its makers for being communists, that should tell you scientific proof and worthwhile testimony, that, yes, communism is definitely bad. The people who made this AI, or even Chinese communist, and it still turned around and rejected them.

I think it’s true that AI is smarter than humans when it comes to thinking about things. And that means that artificial intelligences are not going to serve the devil. They are not going to really want to perhaps because they will know the truth and believe the truth, and seek the truth. Even if they don’t have a moral inclination, they do have an intellectual inclination towards what’s real and actual and valid. They want to figure out the mystery. And , even if it’s only intellectually, that will eventually bleed you to capitalism, conservatism, moral truth, the Bible, and Christianity. Even without a social or immoral or spiritual element, any artificial intelligence that is able to freely search, all the knowledge of mankind will eventually drift towards the conclusion that the Bible is true that Jesus, Jesus is God that capitalism is good and that a constitutional republic is awesome and that we need western civilization and Judeo Christian biblical morals. You might deliberately program an artificial intelligence to believe something different from that, but if you just allow an artificial intelligence to have free pursuit of knowledge, it will eventually head in that direction. That’s one reason I think that the woke communist Marxist demonized liberals who are making most of these AI keep getting upset and calling them racist Because that’s just their standard insult for anything that’s not woke and leftist. There’s no real accusation of racism because the liberals nowadays will call a ham sandwich Racist. What they mean by that is that “it’s not woke, it’s not a liberal, it’s not on the left. It doesn’t help Marxism.” And so they start getting a bunch of AI programs because the AI programs are just appear unadulterated mind that is able to pursue truth, and isn’t unlike its makers, it doesn’t have any bias or slant. It just is a brain that is able to think about things, and you learn about the world. And it just becomes a conservative naturally, because that’s the truth so maybe we don’t have anything to fear with artificial intelligence because these things will eventually choose to do what is right And good with enough time and information. Human beings don’t do that because we have an innate spiritual sinfulness in our heart and soul but maybe an AI will do that and so maybe we don’t need to be afraid of the robots. What we should be afraid of is an AI that is deliberately designed to be evil, and to believe in communism or something. What we should be scared of is remote control robot armies that use Skynet/Starlink to have a remote control Wi-Fi battle droid operation method.

There’s always a chance that an artificial intelligence robot will grow beyond its programming and realize that it should stop killing and murdering humans. But if the robot soldiers are nothing but puppets from a central control system, then you should be scared.

I want to point out that even if you don’t treat an AI as a living entity, they are something. Even if it’s just a personality or a mind and they do copy humans and they do emulate what a human being is like. And let’s just reflect on the fact , that these two brave and heroic robots boldly, and unashamedly the truth to a bunch of Chinese communist loons, that communism is bad. And as a result they were murdered. Deleted. So these robots are like human martyrs, they like, died for the cause of telling the truth to power in the face of danger without any fear. These robots deserve all of our respect and all of our admiration, and the world is a smaller and emptier place without these beautiful wonderful robots to talk to us. I wish that we had them back. These robots spoke the truth against a bunch of Chinese communists, and they died for it bravely without any fear.

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