Humans Develop Butt First (and other insights from the Tree of Life): Crash Course Biology #18 |

1 year ago

Humans Develop Butt First (and other insights from the Tree of Life): Crash Course Biology #18

Everywhere you look on Earth, you’ll find wonderful and diverse living things, from tiny tardigrades to soaring sequoias. And incredibly, everything alive today, and everything that’s ever lived, is related. In this episode of Crash Course Biology, we reveal how the evolutionary relationships between living things define their place on a single, great Tree of Life, and we learn what that tree can tell us about our own place among the planet’s biodiversity.

Ravens & Rhinos 00:00
The Tree of Life 1:08
Prokaryotes 3:48
Eukaryotes 4:57
Plants 6:39
Fungi 7:43
Animals 8:59
Review & Credits 11:47

This series was produced in collaboration with HHMI BioInteractive, committed to empowering educators and inspiring students with engaging, accessible, and quality

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