Behests of the Caliph of Allaah, al-Mahdi, to al-Mujahideen¹ in the Land of Palestine

1 year ago

Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed al-Yamani

23— Rabi’ Awwal— 1445 AH
08—October— 2023 AD
06:18 AM
(According to the official time of Mecca Mother of Towns)

Behests of the Caliph of Allaah, al-Mahdi, to al-Mujahideen¹ in the Land of Palestine

¹Muslims who fight on behalf of the faith or the Muslim community

In the name of Allaah the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, the One, and the Overpowering. Prayers of forgiveness and peace be upon Mohammed, the messenger of Allaah, and the Messiah Jesus son of Mary, and Moses, and Aaron, and upon all the messengers of Allaah
If you stand up for Allaah, He will help you and steadfast your feet (See Qur'an, Surah: Mohammed, Verse:07). I hope Allaah helps the Army of Believers for the liberation of Palestine. I also hope they apply my advice to them years ago, to let go of the different titles of the resistance factions and unite under one title: Army of Believers for Liberating Palestine. Thus, they take Zionists back to their original borders before they invade the Palestinian state. Having moved, the Army of Believers, to liberate Palestine, abide by the following: Any Arab or non-Muslim head of state who seeks to stop the war of liberating Palestine has proven his identity as an aggressive Zionist who wants to give the Zionists an opportunity to realign to defeat the Army of Believers to liberate Palestine which is sacred by the holiness of al-Aqsa Mosque whose surroundings have been blessed by Allaah. Let Arab and non-Arab Muslim heads of state fear Allaah, are they doing this instead of standing up for Allaah and helping the Army of Believers for Liberating al-Masjid al-Aqsa?! And I repeat and remind you that any Arab or non-Arab Muslim leader must not seek to stop the war of the Army of Believers around al-Aqsa Mosque. Whoever Arab or non-Arab Muslim leader seeks to stop the war aimed at liberating Palestine, the sacred by al-Aqsa Mosque, after today has earned the wrath of Allaah, the Angels, and all people. So whoever of the Muslim leaders does this, the Army of Believers to liberate Palestine should not listen to them to be defeated or stop the war before achieving complete and comprehensive victory by liberating the blessed land to its known borders which were established before occupation, after 1948 and 1967 AD. Indeed, Allaah is capable of granting them victory, on the condition that they do not turn their backs to them. Whoever sells themselves to Allaah, He shall buy it with a great price, the heavens of bliss and a greater bliss which is the pleasure of Allaah within. Those who turn their backs and run away have certainly drawn on themselves the anger of Allaah and their abode will be Hellfire and what a terrible resting place it is. Do not hope for martyrdom or be keen on staying alive, but wish for victory and the perfection of the light of Allaah. This is better than hoping for martyrdom because you will die before victory. And know you that whoever goes out to struggle in the cause of Allaah, shall be rewarded whether they become a martyr or die after the victory. They will enter paradise right after their death. However, those who wish to not die except after gaining victory for the sake of the religion of Allaah, perfecting its light, and aggrandizing the Word of Allaah to prevent corruption in the land, their ranks with Allaah are higher and greater if only you knew
I am not calling you to hate disbelievers, but those who impinge on the sanctities of Allaah and human rights in general. Indeed, Allaah does not like transgressors. I do not order a Muslim to be hostile to disbelievers for not believing in Islam because there is no compulsion in the religion of Allaah. Let them freely worship whatever they like other than Allaah…

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