Dr. Kelly Brogan | The Spiral Path: How To Own & Love Your Self | Wellness Force #Podcast

4 years ago

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"You must be committed to put your self care first and do that every day. From that space, everything gets clear, and you find yourself the protagonist in the adventure of your most beautiful life.” - Dr. Kelly Brogan in her book, Own Your Self

What does it mean to be free, love, and own yourself?

Author of both A Mind of Your Own and Own Your Self as well as Founder of both the online healing program, Vital Mind Reset, and the membership community, Vital Life Project, Dr. Kelly Brogan, shares her own viewpoints on mental health, explores the concept of the spiral path to own and love yourself, and explains why there is nothing wrong with you.

Discover how to reclaim your vitality, freedom, and authenticity. 

Listen To Episode 333 As Dr. Kelly Brogan Uncovers:

[1:30] The Spiral Path Of Life

-How her impulse of freedom and sovereignty has guided her entire life process.
-Why she was so focused on ticking off all of the boxes of adult life but then it all came apart.
-The fact that she literally never felt fear in her life as she hid in her mind and intellect so she could cultivate a sense of control in her personal and professional life.
-How to get in touch with your true self through your hero/heroine journey and the "death" of your old self. (12:40)
-Steps to accepting all parts of your life; both the light and the dark.

[16:00] The Concept of Mirroring

-The concept of mirroring and her own experience applying it during a recent silent retreat.
-How to explore and accept ourselves by observing how we see or treat other people.
-Why we feel like it 'costs' us to hold our opinions lightly and give up being right. (19:30)
-Unpacking the root of our "it's every man for himself" thoughts and actions.
-The strengthening process that comes with being able to alchemize emotions.
-Clarity she has received through the writing of her book, Own Your Self.
-Why intently focusing on this 'arrival point' someplace in the future is actually a distraction from true self-discovery.
-The fact that we should be actively looking for love where we don't see it in order to help us let go of suffering.
-How to start being in more of a state of accepting what is instead of getting an unhealthy charge out of your emotions.

[30:25] There Is Nothing Wrong About You

-Exploring the idea of what true freedom and owning ourselves actually mean.
-How to access a state of inner peace and stability that is not contingent upon on anything external.
-Why relationships should not be based on an exchange but from a place of overflowing love. (34:40)
-The old way of managing our fear through ever-increasing efforts towards control and dominance vs. this new movement of being aware that the system is broken. (38:30)
-The concept of readiness as being this feeling of relief when you move in the direction of change. (40:00)
-How she's helped change lives by simply giving people permission to believe that nothing is actually wrong with them. (40:40)

[43:50] What Does It Mean To Be Free?

-What it would look like for society to be free from the shackles of mental health.
-The necessary cultural capacity to be able to hold negative emotions and become more comfortable with emotional states that we would label as rage, grief, or shame.
-Why we look for quick fixes for negative emotions and we so often give up freedom for the allusion of safety.
-How she came to no longer see mental illness as something that exists or even a worthy construct.
-Approaching our beliefs, thoughts, and actions with an open mind. (46:00)
-Exploring the concept of creating a container and loving whatever is in it even if that is fear.
-How fear drives our victim stories and how to use that to leverage our emotions into full expression. (51:30)
-How she reacts to any criticism on her professional work including that she is just a projection screen for critics with some kernels of truth.
-Challenges included in the Vital Life Project to help you explore yourself and test your ability for readiness.


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