April: How To Navigate Mental Maps of Anxiety | Wellness Force #Podcast

4 years ago

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"You are not your thoughts, emotions, or fear. So, what are they? They are just bodily, emotional thought processes that are happening in your body and in your mind but they are not you." - April Seifert

If thoughts and feelings are not us then why are they there in the first place?

Social-cognitive Psychologist, Life Design Strategist, Co-Host of the Building Psychological Strength Podcast, and Co-Founder of Peak Mind: The Center for Psychological Strength, April Seifert, shares why time and wealth are our most valuable gifts, what anxiety actually is, how to navigate rational and irrational thoughts, and how to build momentum by acting now.

Discover how cognitive behavioral therapy can radically shift your entire life with just one simple practice.

[1:30] What Anxiety Actually Is

-Why Peak Mind psychology isn't just for athletes; it's for everyone.
-Her own traumas and personal hardships that she has experienced in life even from an early age.
-The diagnosis of her multiple sclerosis and how that has impacted her life.
-How her own adversity has inspired her to share her work even more with other people because psychology was what helped her thrive through multiple obstacles.
-The fact that she went blind twice due to her multiple sclerosis and how she gained back her sight.
-Unpacking the easiest way to give yourself self-compassion during times of anxious feelings.

[14:00] Navigating Our Rational & Irrational Thoughts

-Why so much of our fear is connected to irrational thoughts.
-How we can navigate and know the difference between rational and irrational thought patterns.
-The importance of building up psychological strength and what steps we can take to do that.
-Why we can be there to support our partners but it is not our responsibility to fix or manage their emotions.
-One of the central tenants of Life Design from Peak Mind is that you are at the center of your life and other people are at the center of their own lives.
-How to design your life for you, not for other people, and be 100% radically responsible for it.

[24:00] Creating Momentum By Choosing To Act Now

-Understanding that there is great power in making a decision and creating momentum.
-Why you should put some psychological distance between you that is consciousness and your thoughts.
-How to sit back and truly observe and get curious about your thoughts, feelings, and emotions.
-What anxiety actually is and it's not you - it's just a bodily emotional and thought process that is happening in your body and your mind but it is not you.
-Why thoughts and feelings are not the answer; just bits of information for you to weigh among other bits of information.
-How to better understand and map your stress and anxiety during the coronavirus pandemic especially with all of the news media pushing fear.
-How we can see COVID19 as a reminder to treat the planet, one another, and even ourselves with love and higher respect.

[40:00] Your New, Easy Gratitude Practice

-Why so many people struggle with having a daily gratitude practice.
-April's new gratitude practice for you: ask yourself what you miss right now and then flip that into action.
-The concept of mental and emotional resilience and how they have changed for her throughout her training.
-Psychological flexibility that allows us to be more resilient while our anchor points keep us grounded.
-Understanding what is true and not true for you from a mindful point of view.
-Their mission behind Peak Mind and how they're helping people live life well by helping them better understand how the mind works.
-Why you don't have to be an expert to help people but you can guide them along a journey that you also personally understand.
-The silver lining in COVID19 at macro and micro levels from the environment to our home life.

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