NT Framework 23 Doctrine of Kenosis

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SBC Family,

Don't forget that tonight Daylight Savings ends, and we Fall back one hour. So, tonight you get one extra hour of sleep. Some have told me that means I get one extra hour to teach. 😂 I won't do that to you, but no excuses for missing our gathering. 🤣

The situation in Israel and Gaza is coming to a crossroads. International pressure, even from America, is to the effect that a two state solution needs to be the end result of this war. However, they already have Iran's proxy army Hezbollah on their northern border in Lebanon, Fatah in the West Bank and Jordan. Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. What is a new state in Gaza going to do other than legitimize a terrorist state? Israel now realizes that they can't live under the shadow of terrorists on all their borders. For them to have peace they have to eliminate all terrorist threats on all their borders. I can't see how any nation on earth will go along with that, including America. What could happen? A world leader could arise who would guarantee Israel's security. Why would Israel accept him? Because they couldn't stop the most recent attack. They didn't even know about it. This is a very interesting development and far more significant than Iran in 2006 which raised a lot of prophetic discussion.

Tomorrow we will get into a most amazing doctrine; the Kenosis. This doctrine is shockingly practical. It's strange that hardly one in 100 Christians has ever even heard of it, or, if they have, they don't know what it means or why it's important.

I hope we have fun. If you apply yourself you will have a renewed appreciation for Jesus Christ.

Communion tomorrow, prepare to remember by thinking through passages like Ps 22, Isa 53, the end of all four Gospels and the meaning of Christ's death.

See attached handout.

Grace to you,



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