There already here

1 year ago

They walk among us.
Men in black.
A link to some of my personal experiences. (Digging Lost Freedom) From my YouTube channel
Or you can search on this platform under (Life watchers) and (2nd close encounter)
People were indoctrinated to mock people who spoke of (little green men.) THOSE DAYS ARE GONE.
I plan to post a couple of my videos. We’re I talk about my personal experiences. But I may wait awhile.
Maybe there’s to much other stuff going on to focus on that to much. Although I do feel it is important.
They exist. Not all are bad. Some refer to them simply as angels and demons. But I’m not really aligned with that thought. It may be true. But I really don’t think so. There just other beings.
If you have had a experience. And want me to share it for you.
Email me at

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