BNSF Military Train, Local 204 Job with Red & Silver Warbonnets and Double Stacks on the Transcon.

1 year ago

Train#1 is BNSF westbound military train loaded with various military vehicles and equipment. It is departing Amarillo at high speed on the Dalhart subdivision. We have cameras on both sides of this train as it goes by.

Train #2 is the local 204 Job shoving its entire train into a classification track at the BNSF North Yard in Amarillo where the power ties up at the yard office. The brakeman rides the last car as the train is placed into the classification yard. The power on this train is two C44-9W BNSF locomotives in the red & silver Santa Fe Warbonnet paint scheme. These locomotives were acquired in the BNSF/ATSF merger in 1995 but have never been repainted. They have "BNSF" stenciled on the side of the cabs and the locomotives are very faded and worn looking, but they run strong, and the exhaust looks very clean.

Train #3 is a westbound double stack coming into downtown Amarillo's South Yard for a crew change. As he comes into view another double stack on the next Transcon mainline is already rolling west after a its change.

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