7AM Moon Above Flat Earth

1 year ago

Raise your awareness to what it means when religious people say this realm is ran by statan. Study the occult arts of black magic bcause this is what our ENGLISH LANGUAGE is. It is also our BUSINESSES, and our COURT SYSTEM. Even the sigils and the symbols on CURRENCY are of satanism and black magic. The entire system we live in is not what we have been TOLD IT IS! Please raise your awareness with us and join us in this jorney of awareness together. Beyond the ICE-WALL is more life beyond which you can fathom. This is the ultimate truth. You are POWERFUL beyond what you even KNOW, and those enslaving us all KNOW it, and they are doing all they can to keep us in a low vibrating energy of confusion, fear, anger, resentment, stupidity, and hate. If you think you have not been a target, you are deeply confused.

You are just as much a part of this LIE as everyone else who has been lied to over the last 7500 years. Before this time frame, we have no clue what was, and that leave the possibilities END-LESS; but one this is CERTAIN, you are NOT on a BALL OF WATER. Remember this fun fact before leaving my post here. TELL-LIE-VISIONS, were originally created as a TOOL to TORTURE and MIND PROGRAM people. They were not MADE for fun and entertainment. I am dead serious. Turn off your tell-lie-vision and wake up to the soul energy spirit SPEAKING within you. Everything connects. Open your third eye vision and get the book UNLOCKED MIND found on www.FlatEarthFightClub.com

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