Hair Is An Extension Of Thy Soul - Grounding

1 year ago

Your Hair is a natural extension of your nervous system. Long hair was seen as the ultimate symbol of health, social status, and wealth for as far back as the Greeks and Romans. Long hair shows you are eating well and had enough leisure time to brush and groom your hair.

Yogis say that long hair draws more energy to the brain. They describe the body as an inverted tree of which the spine is the trunk, the nervous system the branches, and the hair the roots. This is why many yogis let their hair grow long.

Samson the Nazirite was a holy warrior whose special power was most closely related to his unshorn hair. In Israel such natural powers as were represented by the growth of hair were treated as signs of the power of the God of Israel, to be used in God's service.

The hair on your head is there to do more than just look good. The Native Americans know that through their hair they can connect to nature and the life force around them. It was proven during the Vietnam war that Native Americans with longer hair were able to scout the land better than those in similar tribes who had their hair cut.

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