Doing the right thing often gets the ruler killed while letting the rabble rule can kill your Empire

1 year ago

Doing the right thing often gets the ruler killed, while letting the rabble rule can kill your empire
Larry Reed - President Emeritus, Foundation for Economic Education,

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Good historians know Rome’s Republic couldn’t survive corrupt politicians and avaricious generals. Today’s leaders learned very well the “bread and circuses” that can ease reelection. Rich Americans want their Medicare and libertarian economists are boring compared to Tiktok influencers. And if populism makes any headway against the entrenched Deep State, the banksters impose fear – to continue to divide and conquer.

Ron Paul almost became the GOP’s presidential nominee in 2012. Yet, reformers who actually got elected to the White House sometimes experienced the fate of Roman emperors who dared to tighten the government’s belt. Andrew Jackson threw out the Den of Vipers and had to survive more than one assassination attempt. Several more presidents – like Garfield and Harding – died under suspicious circumstances.

The movie “Gladiator” is about the evil reign of Commodus (who followed his philosopher father Marcus Aurelius), the Emperor who tried to restore sound money and fiscal discipline. But before the Earth completed an orbit around the Sun, Pertinax was cut down by his Praetorian Guard. Failure, on the other hand, to uphold sound money ended Cleopatra and the grand history of Egypt’s dynasty.

Is it worth it to try to restore America’s limited government republic? Can the middle class be weaned off entitlements any more than Roman’s citizens from free bread? Will our huge military tolerate the types of defense cuts promised by RFK, or would he face an early demise much like his Uncle did after threatening to disband the CIA?

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