Lyrans come in to help Bleu...♥️

1 year ago

My sweet boy, Bleu, has a liver problem and had been vomiting a lot and has lost too much weight. A supplement he's on, Denamarin, which is basically milk thistle and SAMe has really helped his vomiting, but he's still not eating much. That being said, I may have FINALLY found a food he'll eat...dry kibble from Fancy Feast. Interestingly, after this channeled healing session with him and my Lyran feline friends, he happy laid by some rose quartz, amethyst, and green crystals that I think are fluorite. AND...he's eaten about 3 times in a short while! As you can see from a picture in this video's thumbnail, Chakra is worried about her little brother too, and is watching over him.

I am convinced that ANYONE can do healing work on pets and humans. It may come more naturally to some folks, but if you open yourself to divine energy/spirit as a channel...and get out of the way (that's the hard part sometimes), you can do powerful healing work.

I've been very lucky to find a more holistic vet here in Santa Fe. Not only did he put Bleu on Denamarin (I now buy a generic version on Amazon that's a lot cheaper) but he's got 16 year old Chakra on Calcitrol for her kidney disease, which I believe is fancy vitamin D. It has definitely helped her and she runs around like she's 3 years old. Dr. Hinko has been a godsend. He also did skin cancer removal surgery on Chakra's front paw so well you cannot tell she lost a chunk of the top of her paw, and also did major dental work on her. She now has a Billy Idol sneer due to the loss of a major front fang (and another tooth) but I think it makes her even cuter.

In light,
Atheria and Bleu

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