A Quick Animation by the Indonesian Artist, Sahrul Gunawan

1 year ago

Sahrul Gunawan is a young individual from Indonesia who works as a freelance artist specializing in illustration, comics, and animation.

His journey began with childhood doodling on paper, and he later turned his hobby into an ambitious dream. Since 2017, he has showcased his artistic prowess, earning national recognition in his home country. Subsequently, he engaged in various projects featured in magazines, newspapers, and even published personal books over the years.

Currently, he collaborates on projects for individuals worldwide, garnering numerous clients since the beginning of 2023. His collaborations extend to countries such as England, the United States, Germany, Turkey, Nigeria, Brazil, France, and more.

#artist #indonesia #graphicdesigner #animation #socialmedia #fiverr #designer #style #computer #poster #comicbooks #illustrator #color #pencil #cartoon #sahga #sahrulgunawan

Website - https://heylink.me/SAHGAstudio/

Fiverr - https://www.fiverr.com/sahrul003

Instagram - https://instagram.com/sahrulg_003?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==

Twitter - https://x.com/sahrulg003?s=21&t=SdZLMnDJVMIJaQYNvxbeBw

Article - https://bit.ly/3V66rET

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