2024 Super Bowl Halftime Show Return to the Roman Coliseum

1 year ago

Will the Pope Francis Lady Gaga Performance in honor of their God Satan return to the 2024 Super Bowl Halftime Show? Will World War III stop all Airline flights out of USA in December 2023? Will FEMA Nazi camps become a reality for those naive American people living in their AI fake world brought to them by Satan? How many occupied Chinese military and Hamas terrorist who see Christians and their children as commodities to be beheaded for organs and sex trade in the fake land and home of the free? How many Americans will awaken and rise up to fight for their lives will determine the state of the union. Russia has wiped out the NEO NAZIS in Ukraine. Russia is a white Orthodox Christian Nation who people know and love Jesus. Russians have been in battle for centuries with the Kenite Nazis with different names in past as Khazarian Jews Revelation 2:9 3:9, Rothschild Bankers, British Crown Vatican Sicilian Mafia all exposed in scripture 400 years before the birth of Jesus at the Kenites or ASH KE NAZI bloodline offspring of Satan Talmud seeing all Gentiles as Goyim as they lie about being the master race. In the Old Testament God told us Gentiles to wipe them out. Maybe the white Orthodox Christians will awaken and eradicate all these demons. All sounds like a NETFLIX fantasy Movie. Where do you think they get their movie scripts? Shockingly this script is ready for reality. Only the awakened can stop it.

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