It was mortifying... 😳

1 year ago

It was mortifying! 😳

Years ago, I did a sauerkraut video for YouTube. I touched my nose or my hair during it.

And then, I got the worst comment!

"This woman calls herself a cook? These are the most unsanitary conditions I've ever seen. I can't believe she's teaching people how to cook!" or something like that.

I was embarrassed! 🤦🏻‍♀️

So now I try to be cognizant. But I still catch myself because... it's life. I'm just cooking for my family here!

Do I wish I never made mistakes? Of course!

Maybe in a few days I will tell you about my latest mistake! 😉

But this is real life. It's to be expected that we mess up!

And here I am... still making videos teaching people how to cook!? Yep!

Thankfully, our families don't expect perfection... nor does God Himself. 🙏🏻

Which is why Eat God's Way is so refreshing for our family and for the 12,000+ students over the years.

You see, Eat God's Way isn't a set of rules. It's giving glory to God and honoring His creation by eating the foods He designed for our nourishment. 🙌🏻 Mistakes are OK!

In case you didn't know, Eat God's Way is our simple and methodical process for helping families get healthier & happier... for saving time and money... all without spending all day in the kitchen or having to give up your favorite foods. 🙌🏻

Would you like to learn more about Eat God's Way?

I would love to give you my 2 free books that share more about it... the Eat God's Way book plus companion cookbook.

The books (quick reads!) will give you a taste for what it's all about and even some easy sample recipes to try out (including baking!) and see what you like!

To get the free Eat God's Way books, go here:

Now go... enjoy the process! Happy cooking and God bless you!

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