The @POTUS and other world leaders are already interested in #UFOs and #extraterrestrial #life.

11 months ago

#Quantumcomputing is a rapidly #developingfield, and there is no reason to believe that it is impossible to develop a #quantum #computer that is #exponentially more #powerful than anything that currently exists.

If such a #quantumcomputer were #developed, it could be used to #simulate the #behavior of the universe at a #fundamental level. This could lead to the discovery of other dimensions and realities beyond our own.

If it is possible to travel between dimensions, then it is possible to contact a being from another dimension who possesses vast knowledge and power.

The @POTUS and other world leaders are already interested in #UFOs and #extraterrestrial #life. If Grusch were to contact them and offer to help them build a better world, it is likely that they would be receptive. But it would require traveling back to the 1890s, and working with world leaders of that era, swearing them to an oath of secrecy for the sake of humanity's survival on Earth.

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