Wild & Free: A Discussion About Wild Pregnancies & Free Birthing With Ste Lane

1 year ago

Episode Description
Welcome to the 31st episode of the Back to Human podcast.

Joining me on this episode is returning guest Ste Lane. Ste is the creator of the Peak Human Solution, a transformative online holistic coaching program. Ste is also the host of a great podcast called Radical Health Radio.

I had the honor of interviewing Ste shortly after welcoming his second baby boy, Indy, into this world. He and his wife, Nicole, chose to bring Indy earthside is a seemingly radical way. They opted for a free birth and wild pregnancy which is what we discuss on this episode.
Some of the topics covered on this show include:

• What is a free birth and wild pregnancy?
• How we aren't really experiencing desirable outcomes despite increased obstetrical spending, testing and interventions
• What Nicole's first birth looked like and how interventions ultimately led to a cesarean section
• How ultrasounds are damaging to the baby
• The cascade of interventions; once synthetic oxytocin (Pitocin) is introduced, the likelihood of c-sections skyrockets
• How some women in the free birth society go well beyond their estimated due date
• How Nicole passed a massive clot with the birth of Indy and considered this closure of the physical trauma from her first birth
• Ste's role throughout the pregnancy and Nicole's labor
• How giving birth is a right of passage for women
• How this was the most transformative experience for Nicole and what she felt like after labor
• How the very first moments of our lives are potentially filled with trauma
• Why they chose not to go with a certified midwife which may have saved them another trip to the hospital
• Were there any doubts that came up throughout Nicole's labor?
• Surrendering and stepping into faith
• What Nicole was doing throughout the pregnancy to prepare for a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean)
• Finding a supportive online community (Free Birth Society)
• What it was like for Ste to catch his baby boy
If you'd like to learn more about Ste's work, his coaching and also give Radical Health Radio a listen you can find him at the links below:


If you are interested in following a similar path and are looking for support you can check out Free Birth Society at:

Thank you for listening to the show! Please share it with someone you feel needs to hear it!

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