Paul Chek: All Is God | Part 1 of 3 | How To Find God | Wellness Force #Podcast

4 years ago

Remember who you are, forget who you are not. In this 3 part series, blast off with Paul Check and Josh Trent into the great unknown. Access to the FULL free show notes page links, resources:

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"Rumi says, 'No man can get to God until he becomes a heretic,' which means that you will never find God in pages with words written on them. If you want to find out what actually God is then you have to do what's necessary to create the environment that's supportive of that. Having a peak experience like being outdoors hiking or laying under the stars and just realizing that in a moment of 'Oh my God,' that somehow you're part of all of that and it's part of you."

Author of How to Eat, Move and Be Healthy, Creator of the PPS Success Mastery Program, Host of the Living 4D with Paul Chek Podcast, Founder of the C.H.E.K. Institute, Paul Chek, returns to Wellness Force for the three-part series, All Is God.

In Part 1, Paul takes us on a journey to understand our relationship with God, how we can create peace within ourselves rather than asking for world peace, our own potential from God's perspective, how to pick the right spiritual teacher and expand the one inside of you as well as the concepts of good and evil in religion.

Listen To Episode 369 | Part 1 of All Is God As Paul Chek Uncovers:

(0:00) Who's The Right Spiritual Teacher For You?
(18:00) The Concept Of Self
(30:30) Does God Exist?
(41:30) How We Can Experience God Every Day in Life
(1:00:00) Unpacking The Concepts Of Good And Evil In Religion
(1:15:00) Exploring Our Own Potential In God's Perspective
(1:26:00) What Is Consciousness?

Who's The Right Spiritual Teacher For You?

-How can we make change happen in the world?
-What the Hero's Journey is and what difference it will make to the world.
-How to find the right spiritual teacher for yourself.

The Concept Of Self

-How the sound of the universe produces life forms, intelligence, and entities that are inherently part of the expression of the universe.
-Why we cannot recognize God unless we realize that we are God
-How the little self is associated with one's sense of individuality which is heavily linked to the ego.

Does God Exist?

-Understanding that we don't just have a relationship with the Earth but with the sun and other planets in our solar system, our galaxy, and galaxies beyond our own.
-The work that Paul and Josh have done to let go of their anger towards God.
-The different levels of consciousness from isocentric (me) to ethnocentric (group) to world-centric to Kosmo centric consciousness.

How We Can Experience God Every Day in Life

-How you can have a direct experience of God in many different ways including contemplative meditation.
-Daily practices you can use to open yourself up to the universe, be in harmony with it and be closer to God.
-Exploring the universal truth that you cannot have good without the bad that has been created in the world by God.

Unpacking The Concepts Of Good And Evil In Religion

-The various concepts of good and evil around the world.
-How wars begin because of religious differences.
-Why good and evil are relative concepts that you cannot have without a mind nor the polarities like he/she, yin and yang, and the light and the dark.

Exploring Our Own Potential In God's Perspective

-Why God has created us to look forward and within to ourselves by placing all of his creations' eyes in the front or side but never backward.
-Exploring the fact that God cannot die because it doesn't even have consciousness; it's not only the source of energy and information but it is energy and information as well.
-Why being in a committed relationship will help you grow, find God, and charge your consciousness.

What Is Consciousness?

-Exploring the idea that consciousness is a psychic substance produced by opposites in living awareness.
-How to grow your consciousness by beginning to ask the bigger questions and have a broader perspective on everything and anything in life.
-The important process of mindfulness and why it's not as simple as we believe it to be.


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