Gay Hendricks | Genius Zone: End Negative Thinking & Live In True Creativity | Wellness Force

3 years ago

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Listen To Episode 411 As Gay Hendricks Uncovers:

(00:00) Sparking Gratitude Through Creativity
(5:20) The Power of Consciousness For Weight Loss
(16:00) Learning How To Love Your Fear
(27:30) Freeing Up Mind Space for Genius to Emerge
(40:00) How To Grow Past The Ego
(58:00) How to Commit to Your Genius

Sparking Gratitude Through Creativity

- Discussing Gay's latest book, The Genius Zone, and that fact that he has written a book each year the last 50 years.
- Why we ourselves our Creators whether that's with ourselves, our partner, or with the Divine.
- How Gay would define the word, "creation," and what it means to him at its core.

The Power of Consciousness For Weight Loss

-How we can move past trauma and negative thoughts in order to enter the genius zone.
-Gay and Josh's experience gaining weight during stressful moments as an external padding.
-What helped Gay get on the right path towards greater wellness and healing.

Learning How To Love Your Fear

-One of the biggest takeaways Josh had from his first conversation with Gay: "You have to learn how to love your fear."
-Why it is so hard for people not to love themselves and it is one of the biggest challenges they may face in life.
-How negative speech has such an impact on children's self esteem as early as the ages of 3-5.

Freeing Up Mind Space for Genius to Emerge

-Why trying to control everything actually leads to big issues and how we can begin to let go of that habit.
-How Gay let go of trying to control his weight and placed his attention on what he could actually control like food.
-Why the biggest barrier block on our path to genius is a habit of fear based negative thinking.

How To Grow Past The Ego

-What helped Gay better understand relationships by thinking about the 3 things he wanted and the 3 things he didn’t want in them.
-The moment Gay realized that he and his partner were in this continuous loop of having the same argument over and over by neither of them being honest and transparent with one another, always blaming each other, and her not allowing him to have a space every day for his creativity to flow.

How to Commit to Your Genius

-The power of commitment to help you move forward with positive change.
-What you can do to commit to your genius every day.
-How consciously committing and saying, ‘Yes,’ to your genius will invite barriers so you have the chance to overcome them.

WELLNESS FORCE MEDIA is a global collective dedicated to mastering physical and emotional intelligence for humans to thrive in our modern world.

In the Wellness Force #podcast together, we walk the path of courage to cross the gap between knowing and doing.

Your Host, Josh Trent asks the questions no one else will ask to get the truth about how to live a life of confidence, freedom, and optimal wellness.

This is where your Hero's journey comes alive as you listen and live the (3) phases of true intelligence:

Gathering, Applying, & Embodiment.

Learn from world class leaders in the fields of physical intelligence, breathwork emotional intelligence, behavior change, wellness, nutrition, behavioral psychology, habits, mindset, fitness, health, strength training, organic supplementation, biohacking, body transformation, psychedelics, mindfulness, meditation, neuroscience, mental health, #spirituality, consciousness and the 7 pillars of wellness to live life well.


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