Humans and other mammals will be gone in 250 million years | SpaceTime S26E122

1 year ago

The Space News Podcast.
SpaceTime Series 26 Episode 122
*Humans and other mammals will be gone in 250 million years.
A new study looking at how continental drift will change the face of the Earth into the future shows that the creation of the next super continent Pangea Ultima will probably cause humans and other mammals to become extinct – that’s assuming people haven’t already done so before then.
*Strange mysterious planet like objects discovered in the Orion Nebula
New images from the James Webb Space Telescope have revealed strange planet-like structures in the Orion Nebula.
*The link between Snowball Earth and complex life
A new study suggests massive volcanic activity during the interglacial period between the planet’s snowball Earth phase may have helped the evolution of early and complex life.
*The Science Report
Earth’s near-surface permafrost could be gone by the turn of the century.
One in three people worldwide now have high blood pressure.
Discovery of the earliest known use of wood for construction.
Alex on Tech the new Pixel 8 and 8 pro and hot iPhone 15s raise concerns.
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