Warning ⚠️ The Ultimate Sith Lord MTF/Male To Female Subliminal(Very Powerful/Thunder) ⚡️

1 year ago

The goal of this subliminal audio is to shift you to a reality where you will become a female Sith Lord. You will have Telekinetic Powers and will be able to move items and beings with your mind. You will also manifest your desired lightsaber and will have detailed knowledge of lightsaber combat.

Here is more Info:
🔥Become a girl
🔥Become a biological woman
🔥Become 100% Female
🔥Permanent Male To Female Transformation
🔥Become Completely Female In Every Aspect (Ex. Physically, Mentally, Spiritually, And Emotionally)
🔥Female Mindset And Personality
🔥People Will Call You By Your Desired Feminine Names And Pronouns
🔥Everyone Will Remember You As Always Being Female
🔥All Forms Of Identification And Documentation Change To Female (Ex. Pictures, Videos, photos, drivers licenses, identification cards, and legal documents)
🔥Manifest A Vagina
🔥Manifest Your Desired Female Breasts
🔥Current Reality Clothes Change And Become Female Clothes
🔥Become A Sith Lord
🔥Become A Sith Master
🔥Learn The Ways Of The Sith And The Darkside Of The Force
🔥Have A True Connection To The Dark Side Of The Force
🔥Become A Super Villain
🔥Manifest Sith Robes
🔥Manifest Your Desired Sith Lightsaber
🔥Manifest Your Desired Lightsaber At Your Desired Places And During Your Desired Times
🔥Have Telpathic and Telekinetic Powers (Move Stuff With Your Mind)
🔥Become Psychic
🔥Have A Deep Spiritual Connection To The Dark Side Of The Force
🔥Be Filled With The Dark Side Of The Force
🔥Give In To The Dark Side Of The Force
🔥Be Driven By The Dark Side
🔥The Dark Side Of The Force Guides Your Intuition
🔥Become A Dark Side Warrior
🔥Able To Fire Force Lightning From Hands And Fingertips
🔥Lightsaber has your desired blade and kyber crystal
🔥Become well versed/have extensive knowledge in all forms of lightsaber combat
🔥Learn all forms and types of lightsaber combat quickly/know it by heart ❤️
🔥Desired Female Hair And Face
🔥Eliminate all your body and facial hair
🔥 Become a master of the Force Push, the force pull, + other Dark Side Powers
🔥Become More Powerful than Darth Vader, Darth Sidious, and Starkiller all combined
🔥Have A Very High Midichlorian Count/Body Filled With Midichlorians
🔥Have The Power And The Ability To Influence And To Manipulate Energy Using The Dark Side Of The Force
🔥Able To Shoot/Fire Force Lightning From Hands And Fingertips
🔥If Desired: Manifest And Teach A Sith Apprentice
🔥Affirmations For Fast Results

*As Always Results May Vary Since We’re All Different. But If You Start To Feel Tired Or Get A Headache I Highly Recommend Taking A Break And Drinking Plenty Of Water.

*🤞🏻Important Disclaimer 🤞🏻: Picture, Video, Audio, and this description are all made for fictional, fantasy, entertainment, and role playing purposes only. Please DO NOT take this video or this audio seriously. It is highly recommended that you talk to a doctor or medical expert first before listening to subliminals.

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