G.I. JESS MOUNAMIE | EFC Strawweight title Contender

1 year ago

Jess Mouneimne

Instagram: _gi_jess_
Facebook: jessica.mouneimne

Time Stamps
0:00-2:02 The latest with G.I. Jess
2:03-3:21 What have been the biggest changes to Jess's training since the last time she was on
3:22-5:41 How Jess is planning out 2023 and how active Jess plans to be once she secures the belt
5:42-6:41 What motivates Jess going into a fight
6:42-9:54 What are the dos and don'ts of the mental aspects of MMA
9:55-12:16 Balancing training and other life commitments
12:17-15:11 Who is Jess's favourite UFC strawweight fighter and how would she match up with that fighter
15:12-18:42 Jess's thoughts on the state of Women's MMA
18:43-22:24 How Jess's fight gym, PFA, has been progressing and being acknowledged by the LGBT community
22:25-25:57 What it was like having Dricus Du Plessis coming to train at PFA
25:58-29:13 Jess's thoughts on the recent trend of YouTube stars signing with big promotions and jumping the queue
29:14- Sponsors and shoutouts

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