Jess Mouneimne | EFC Strawweight BEAST

1 year ago

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Jess Mouneimne

Instagram: _gi_jess_
Facebook: jessica.mouneimne

Time Stamps
0:00-2:30 How G.I. Jess Got Into MMA
2:31-3:50 Fighting In THe EFC
3:51-5:06 What Keeps The Fire Burning For G.I. Jess
5:07-11:25 The Challenges Females Face In MMA Gyms
11:26-14:48 Managing A Gym And Competing In MMA
14:49-17:20 The Challenges Of Being A Parent In MMA
17:21-18:55 G.I. Jess's Fighting Style
18:56-20:20 Jess Mouneimne's Legacy
20:21-22:22 How G.I. Jess Has Hit The Ground Running With The EFC
22:23-24:44 The Success South Africa, and Africa As A Whole Has Made In MMA
24:45-26:30 Who G.I Jess Looks To As A Role Model In FMMA
26:31-27:34 Who G.I Jess Would Like To Fight In The UFC
27:35-30:30 G.I Jess's Businesses and Sponsors.

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