Top Stories & Opinion on the WS website:

1 year ago

Top Stories & Opinion on the WS website:
❐ NEWS: Canada’s provincial finance ministers met with federal Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland over the possibility of Alberta leaving the Canadian Pension Plan (CPP) and having a separate pension plan for Alberta.
❐ OPINION: 'Tucker Carlson, an advocate for keeping hard copies of the books that matter to you. Nigel Hannaford argues that he's dead right.'
❐ NEWS: The provincial finance ministers brought up the unfairness of the carbon tax break on heating oil and not other home heating methods during a meeting with federal Finance Minister Chyrstia Freeland.
❐ OPINION: 'It is undeniable, Canada is in turmoil. No matter where you look, every facet of our lives seems a bit bleak.'


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