Hamas Leader Admits "Palestinians" are not from Israel

1 year ago

The Romans created the name, Palestine.
They took it from the people, the Philistines who were NOT Arabs.

Arabs cannot even pronounce the letter,"P!"

It wasn't until Egyptian born leader, Arafat coined the phrase in 1964 that the Palestinians were born. He also came up with, "Occupied Territories" which prior to that were the "Disputed Territories." Arafat said if that term was repeated enough, eventually it would be accepted as the truth.

Israel GAVE Arabs Gaza in 2005 as a gesture for peace. Instead, the Arabs who moved to Gaza democratically nominated Hamas into power. For 20 years Hamas has rained down rockets on Israeli civilians. If they had been successful in their hundreds of thousands of attempts, millions of Israeli Jews and Arabs would be dead.

Hamas' charter calls not only for the death of Israel but for the death of ALL Jews! Their emblem depicts two swords over the ENTIRE State of Israel!

When Hamas successfully kills Israeli civilians, Gazans dance in the streets and hand out candy! Should they be considered civilians or terrorists without guns?

Hamas is no different than the Muslim Terrorist Orgs around the world that rape and murder Christians throughout the Middle East.

You CANNOT have peace with monsters like these. They MUST be eliminated just like we have done around the rest of the world whenever and wherever possible.

Radical Muslims are the enemy of us all, but in Israel they're called, Freedom Fighters?! Jews are great humanitarians around the world and in Israel, but forked tongued ones would have us believe Israelis are barbarians?!

Look at all of Israel's endless humanitarian efforts and humanitarian organizations. Then look for humanitarian efforts conducted by any of the Muslim nations. Your search will be short.

Israel makes up less than .5% of the Middle East.

Who are the real oppressors?

Am Yisrael Chai!

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