November 3, 2023

11 months ago

Albertan parliamentarians have honoured with a standing ovation, a controversial Islamic cleric, Hamas sympathizer, Taliban apologist who also called for the world to give the Taliban the “benefit of the doubt,”

On Tuesday, Dr. Musharraf Hussain was invited as an honoured guest of the Albertan Legislative Assembly by Rod Loyola, MLA for Edmonton-Ellerslie. Loyola (an Islamic convert), is an immigrant from Chile who recently converted to Islam and is known to espouse extreme communist views. “Please rise, and give them the warm welcome of this assembly,” Loyola said as he introduced Hussain and two other individuals.

The invitation is particularly alarming in the wake of Hamas’ October attack on Israel, which resulted in around 1,300 deaths and 3,300 injured.

It is even more shocking that it was allowed to happen following the Speaker of the House of Commons inviting an SS officer for a similar applause earlier this autumn, as well as the fact that Canada has labelled Hamas a terrorist organization.

Just two years ago, Hussain was flagged in a report by the UK government as an “egregious” case of having views sympathetic towards terrorist groups, including Hamas. “In one of the most egregious cases, [Hussain] was found to have publicly made statements in 2021 that were sympathetic to the Taliban” the report read.

The report was referring to a 2021 blog by Hussain from his own website that still exists today in which he said, “Despite its claims to the contrary, Israel’s targets are civilians as well as the so-called “terrorists” of the legitimate resistance groups.”

In the same blog Hussain referred to Hamas as “the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement.”

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