1 year ago

Head On Collision, 1 Person Flown, WEST TEMPE, November 3, 2023 - At approximately 9:50 am on November 3, 2023, a tan 2005 Chevy pickup, driven by Jonathan David Meyer, 46, of Point Blank, was east-bound on US-190 West (just west of the 3126 caution light). Meyer was suddenly slammed head on by a 2010 navy blue Lexus ES350 driven by Atawain Jabor Franklin, 42, of Huntsville. Franklin was traveling west-bound on the shoulder and abruptly swerved across the west-bound lane into the east-bound lane and slammed into the Meyer head on (at an angle). The impact caused Franklin's car to spin 360 degrees (causing the back of the car to also strike the pickup). Meyer's vehicle came to rest in the weeds on the east-bound side Franklin's vehicle came to rest in the middle of the pavement facing west. Allegiance and Texan EMS ambulance services were dispatched to the scene along with the Livingston and Onalaska Volunteer Fire Departments, Deputies from the Polk County Sheriff's Office and Trooper Nick Hatton with the Texas Highway Patrol. Meyer was trapped. Volunteer Firemen used the Jaws-of-Life to cut the door off. Meyer was flown from the scene to Conroe. Franklin was transported by ambulance to CHI Livingston Memorial Hospital with undisclosed injuries. All traffic on 190 was blocked during investigation, cleanup, and flight operations. Both vehicles were recovered by George White & Sons Wrecker Service out of Onalaska. Franklin is likely facing a citation for crossing the center line into oncoming traffic. This accident remains under investigation by the Texas Highway Patrol.

Special thank you: Tim F. and Scottie with Country Boy Towing

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