Aaron Abke | The Law of ONE: Love Is Your Savior

1 year ago

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[00:00] Intro
[01:30] Transform Your Faith In God
[11:35] Aaron's Journey Away From The Church
[19:35] Law Of One + Seven Densities Of Consciousness
[27:45] Why Do We Suffer?
[33:49] Are You Living In Oneness Or Dualism?
[52:15] Use Your Pain To Create Peace And Happiness
[01:03:00] The Illusion of Separateness
[01:15:00] Kundalini Awakening + Embodiment Of Love

- How we get stuck in self-inflicted suffering.
- Why our self-actualization never ends and what it means that we're a divine idea unlocking its potential.
- Why the body is a learning device for our consciousness.
- How suffering becomes our wake-up call to change our lives and love becomes our savior.
- How a conditioned mind is an absence of free will until you become aware of the conditioning.

- How acting from a place of separation creates a karmic debt and acting from a place of oneness creates credit.
- What physical pain and suffering taught him on mental and spiritual levels.
- How giving love teaches you that love is always present.
- What it means to be an integrated human and how your ego can turn against you.
- Why darkness is an illusion.

👉 Freedom From Chronic Stress Using Your Breath
Learn the ancient power of Breathwork with Josh Trent https://breathwork.io

👉 About The Podcast: Wellness + Wisdom with Josh Trent

Wellness + Wisdom is a global collective dedicated to mastering physical and emotional intelligence for humans to thrive in our modern world.

In this podcast together we gather, apply and embody the wisdom needed for authentic well-being in the 21st century.

Each episode is artfully crafted to go an inch wide and a mile deep into the Pentagon of Wellness: Physical, Emotional, Mental, Spiritual & Financial.

Your host Josh Trent asks the questions no one else will ask to garner the truth about how to live a life of confidence, freedom, and optimal wellness where together we walk the path of courage to cross the gap between knowing and doing.

Learn from world class leaders in the fields of physical intelligence, breathwork, emotional intelligence, behavior change, wellness, nutrition, behavioral psychology, habits, mindset, fitness, health, strength training, organic supplementation, biohacking, body transformation, psychedelics, mindfulness, meditation, neuroscience, mental health, spirituality, consciousness and the 7 pillars of wellness to live life well.

All custom music produced by https://mettaverse.com
#JoshTrent #Podcast #MentalHealth

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