NATO Gladio KILL BOXES (Bank Sponsored)

1 year ago

Twelve Hunger Games Banking Districts established in 1913:

The Federal Reserve Act was passed by the 63rd United States Congress and signed into law by President Woodrow Wilson on December 23, 1913:

During WW2 stories about the OSS began circulating in major papers, including references to this OSS follow-on being an "American Gestapo". The report, heavily influenced by an FBI that saw itself as the future of American foreign intelligence, was starkly and vividly negative, only praising a few rescues of downed airmen, sabotage operations, and its deskbound research- and analysis-staff; the pronouncement of the report was that any "use [of the OSS] as a secret intelligence agency in the postwar world [would be] inconceivable", but even before the report was finished the President - presumably under pressure from the press articles - had ordered the Joint Chiefs to shelve their plans for a Central Intelligence Service even before the April release of the report

CIA established on September 18, 1947:

NATO established on April 4, 1949

British created State of Israel Mossad established on December 13, 1949

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