‘I Don’t Want My Family’s Name Associated with the University of Pennsylvania Ever’

1 year ago

ROSS SORKIN: “I know you’re a major benefactor to the University of Pennsylvania — “
EISMAN: “I wouldn’t say major.”
ROSS SORKIN: “You’re a significant benefactor to the University of Pennsylvania, I believe you got involved in this larger debate about what’s happening at universities right now.”
EISMAN: “Yes.”
ROSS SORKIN: “What’s going on?”
EISMAN: “Well, I mean, your interview with Marc Rowan woke me up a bit. My history with the University of Pennsylvania is pretty deep. I went there, my wife went there, we met there. My sister went there, my brother-in-law went there, and they met there. A lot of members of my family have been there. I’ve gone back to the university many times to speak. After — after the interview, I called my contact person at the university and I said, ‘You know, we have a small scholarship that we created about a dozen years ago.’ I called my contact and I said I wanted our names removed from it immediately. I do not want my family’s name associated with the University of Pennsylvania, ever.”
QUICK: “What was the response?”
EISMAN: “She was very nice. She understood. She’s gotten a lot of calls like that. And she said she would take care of it.”
QUICK: “Is there anything they could do to change your mind?”
EISMAN: “Yeah, you could fire the president and the chairman of the board of trustees immediately.”
ROSS SORKIN: “I believe they’re having a board meeting today.”
EISMAN: “Well, I doubt they’ll do anything. That’s the only thing that would even move me at all.”
ROSS SORKIN: “Steve — go ahead.”
QUICK: “I mean, this is something that’s played out again and again. Larry Summers pointed to a letter that came to the association of university heads of Israel today, with a long letter they have, that’s out, just talking about how there should be no moral equivalency when you look at a nation defending itself versus terrorist attacks that come through.”
EISMAN: “Let me just say one thing. You know, one of the things that the protesters are saying — one of the things I really sincerely believe is that when people tell you who they are, you should believe them. The protesters, their slogan is ‘Free Palestine from the river to the sea.’ The river is the Jordan River, and the sea is the Mediterranean. Free Palestine from the river to the sea means ‘Get rid of all the Jews.’ You know, the Nazis had a different way of saying it, it was ‘Judenrein,’ ‘No Jews.’ What we have in the protesters right now, dressed up in the clothing of progressivism, is pure hatred of Jews. Any — my view is any student who holds up a sign that says ‘Free Palestine from the river to the sea’ should be expelled. That’s not free speech. That’s calling for murder.”

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