EP. 64 🚩 LEVERAGING BRL 100 to BRL 1,150 (+1,000%) in 24h: CLASS WITH INDEX, TIPS and ANALYSIS 🚀

1 year ago

What's up, escantuber? My name is Tevo Soares and you are on the EscanTevo channel. The leverage cycle is something that scares many people, as it is almost always based on low odds and a large number of operations where, of course, error is not allowed. However, it is possible to carry out shorter cycles and with value odds, as long as the analysis is at a legal level. I'm sure that many here have had greens in a row and what I want to show is that a small sequence can already be very profitable. It doesn't matter the value of the operation itself, but understanding the size of the yield in percentage. Enjoy this operational video full of tips to evolve with this short cycle example aiming for more than 1,000% yield in just 4 operations. And the best, in just 24 hours, and it could have been much less.

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Guilherme Camargo, Willian Justen de Vasconcellos, Ruben Leija, SeppH, Thomas Serer, Giorgio Trovato, David Clarke, Mari Carmen Del Valle, Jeffrey F. Lin, Nigel Msipa, Jannik Skorna, Tania Dimas and Marco Mézquita. Thank you very much for providing the images for free on Unsplash.

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