Truth & Rebellion | Michelle Worton

1 year ago

Exposed. An inside first hand look at the outcomes of the Pzifer COVID Vaccine for healthcare professional Michelle Worton. A life changing moment; coercion to “protect the public” and left picking up the pieces with no government support to be seen now. She is fighting for her life, a once healthy thriving woman and mother. She’s unpacking truth. Criticized for asking difficult questions, dismissed by they medical doctors in British Columbia and mocked by the disbelievers; those who cannot consider the data and resources Michelle is seeking to uncover, learn, and restore her life. Her first step is visiting the United States Neurosurgeon to remove a sympathetic pineal gland cyst, that will be biopsied once removed - analyzing the tissue and chemical make up of the cyst. Michelle has multiple cysts on numerous organs since her COVID injections December 16, 2021. Michelle Worton is a healthcare professional with 20 years experience in the dental field. Resourceful, scientific, discerning and aware.

Video courtesy of CJDC TV, Michelle’s first interview.

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