Hip Flexor strains are easily overcome

11 months ago

Hip flexor strains are one of the most common injuries athletes get

A rule of thumb is a short weak muscle is an unhappy muscle.

So working on strengthening and
lengthening the hip flexors should be a priority.🔥

Dumbel Ankle strap is the easiest way to progress (start with 3x10 5kg so see how it goes) but if you dont have money for equipment try these progressions

✅️-Knee hug lifts (x20 each side)
✅️-Single Pike lifts (3x 12 each side)
✅️-L- Sit (10s, try hold for 30s)
✅️-Toes to Bar (3x8)

Lengthening the hips flexors is easy with the Couch stretch (1minute each side) and ATG splits squat (3x8)

Strong flexible Hip flexors make you a better athlete.

If your interested to learn more, I write a weekly blog on hybridathlete.eu, see you there.

#hybridathlete #kneesovertoes #kneehealth #hipflexor #HipFlexorHealth
#fitnesstips #preventinjuries

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