Majestic horses run free in the meadow on a sunny day

10 months ago

Few things are as breath taking as a herd of horses running free and happy in the sunshine. These are no ordinary horses and it is no ordinary meadow. Many of these beautiful animals have found their way here after a life of hard work, and in a few cases, a life with care that was less than they deserved. But the wait was worth it as their new life is one of freedom and happiness.
The Mane Intent is a horse farm that helps the horses by providing them with a carefree life and the best treatment possible. But more importantly, there is also a beautiful purpose for the horses here. This farm provides equine therapy and a chance for people who have suffered trauma, abuse, or challenge to connect with powerful, yet gentle beasts that help with healing and learning. Many also come here to learn about leadership, establishing boundaries, building teams, and many other aspects of life in a complex world.
For the horses, their life is built around a natural existence with very little stress and a dramatic change from their earlier life. They graze contentedly, run when they choose, snooze in the sunshine and socialize with others in the herd. The horses develop bonds and friendships that run deep. Life here is all that these kind souls deserve.
This farm provides a unique experience for first responders as they navigate a world full of hurt and pain. Horses can provide an outlet ad a means to process the things that humans were not meant to deal with. For those who come here, the experience is very different and very beneficial. We don't fully understand the reasons that equine therapy is so effective, but few people will deny the healing power of horses.
Enjoy the happiness that we see in this beautiful herd as they greet the morning sunshine in their little paradise.

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