Super crunchy granola | Keto vegan & gluten-free

1 year ago

This keto vegan granola is super crunchy, nourishing and so easy to make. You need this recipe in your life :))

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200g nut/seed mix (I used unroasted pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, almonds, pecans and raw coconut flakes)
60-70g almond flour
2 tbsp water
3 tbsp chia seeds (whole or ground)
2 tbsp erythritol (or any sweetener of your choice)
2-3 tbsp melted coconut oil (or any oil of your choice)
Small pinch of salt
Vanilla extract (optional)

1. Add all ingredients in a bowl and lightly mix till they start to bind together.

2. Spread the mixture on a baking tray (lined with baking sheet). Pinch part of the mixture to form small nuggets.

3. Bake in a 180C/350F preheated oven for 20-25 minutes. Take the granola out of the oven half way (10-15 min mark) and lightly toss it around so the granola is baked evenly golden brown.

4. Leave to cool completely. And Enjoy! x


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