JAR - Lawfare & the exile to ELLIS Island

1 year ago

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The Statue of Liberty has long been a beacon of hope to the world. Ellis Island in New York was designated by the federal government as the main hub for immigrants coming to America in search of fairness, faith, and freedom. Ironically, the very person who was tasked with speaking to the media about uncovering a nation's worth of anomalies in the aftermath of the whirlwind 2020 election has been stripped of these very ideals. Jenna Ellis, former senior legal advisor to President Donald Trump, has been excoriated for turning her back on Trump by taking a plea deal to testify against him at trial in Georgia after taking more than $200k in donations from MAGA voters to fight the 'election subversion' case. While Ellis had already previously distanced herself from the
Republican Party by switching to Independent, her support of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis for executive office in 2024 also drew the ire of Trump supporters. With many more people waking up these days to how the political left operates, how can we be so sure this wasn't an act of self-preservation? And even if it was (her own legal team admitted to rushing a plea deal to avoid RICO), she has been firmly planted in the proverbial No Man's Land.
The political right feels betrayed and the political left celebrates. Are we really to believe that Jenna Ellis never had Trump's back, never believed the election was tampered with, and that she wasn't doing the work to help the United States?
Welcome to Ellis Island where we eat our own.
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Do you remember this? We all understood Otto Warmbier said this under duress.. And we all understand what President Trump is referring to when he uses the term 'law-fare' and calls out Deep State terror as a witch hunt. Why then are people so quick to judge Jenna Ellis, former senior legal advisor for the 2020 re-election campaign of Donald J. Trump? Ellis was rushed into a plea deal to avoid a RICO case by the same government that you, knowing what you know now, wouldn't go to battle for. The same corrupt lunatics that have our America on life support... So-called pundits and social media tramps on both ends of the political spectrum are spewing vitriol from their keyboard mouths with the intent to scare you. They are letting you know now that if you take a plea deal to save your hide from a death sentence, and that is exactly what this is for Ellis (both personally and professionally), that you are not a person of strong moral conviction. Which leads us to the mockery that Jenna Ellis endures for being a Christian from those on the left. We can easily cast this off because to be a leftist is to have no moral compass. But this isn't us on the right (or at least it shouldn't be). And we better wake up fast because after Trump and his former legal team, we are next in line. By sacrificing an ally in the larger war we've essentially given ammunition to the mainstream media and leftist
empty heads to say we're in a cult, that we've abandoned the fight for fair elections, and now we've given them the soundbites they so desperately need. Jenna Ellis is insignificant by herself. She was never going to stop the planned takedown of our country. This should've been up to us all along. But because the full weight of a totalitarian regime pressed against her head, and that she ultimately caved, we are forced to believe that she lied about election interference,
that she never had Trump's back, and that she's a sellout Christian. How can we expect anyone to ever stand up again if we don't help them up on principle? Put it this way: Even the most ardent believers in Christ, when faced with capital crimes, denounced Him. Martin Luther is quoted as having said, "The cause which we defend is no longer a simple game; it looks for blood, it seeks for life". Now I know we would all like to think of ourselves doing the right thing but that is not the case; it's not reality. And I don't presume to know what is really going on inside someone's head.
If I did, that'd make me Big Brother.
This is James Anthony Reporting.

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